Recent content by RecycledKaos

  1. RecycledKaos

    I Wish I Knew What Silence Was Like

    There's still a lot to enjoy though.
  2. RecycledKaos

    If You Are Having Trouble Sleeping

    I find that white noise always helps. Be it a fan of some sort or something you find online. I personally really like this nice little website We are designed to be comfortable around white noise. In the wild when we were tiny monkeys, predators often heard much better than...
  3. RecycledKaos

    I Wish I Knew What Silence Was Like

    I could totally see that.
  4. RecycledKaos

    Best Guess on When Tinnitus Will Be Cured?

    Probably a good 25-40 years I'd imagine. From a futurist perspective there will be much bigger things happening by then so a cure to Tinnitus should be easy pease. Habituation is all we have for now.
  5. RecycledKaos

    I Wish I Knew What Silence Was Like

    I've had Tinnitus my whole life and I've never experienced silence.
  6. RecycledKaos

    Hello All, I'm 22 and Have Had Tinnitus My Whole Life

    It used to be something I thought everybody heard. When I was about 12 I was surprised when I found out its not. I had mentioned about how the ringing in my ears that gets louder when its quiet is annoying sometimes and the person who I was talking too didn't know what I was talking about. It's...