Recent content by Rhea

  1. Rhea

    Passed by an Ambulance with Sirens On — Now My Tinnitus Is Spiking

    Hi Bill, If it makes you feel any better, I've been blasted by sirens on quite a few occasions, it has never given me a permanent tinnitus increase. Remember, exposure time makes a huge difference, so an ambulance passing by at high speed would have only been seconds and really not long enough...
  2. Rhea

    Lots of People Talking in an Enclosed Space — Tinnitus Spike After Years of Habituation

    Hi everyone, I used to be a regular poster many years back, but haven't visited for a long time as I'd consider myself fully habituated. A quick back story: I got tinnitus around 17 years ago from loud noise exposure (nightclubs). I struggled to cope and a few years in I didn't leave the...
  3. Rhea

    Noise Trauma, Suicidal, Help

    It may well be nowhere as loud as you are thinking it is in your current panicked state. Time, you need to give yourself time. I've had noise exposure s and t increases that I thought would never go and I'd ruined myself....only to find a week or so later things improved x Time, calm as you...
  4. Rhea

    Noise Trauma, Suicidal, Help

    Hi, don't do anything stupid because there is every chance things will improve, even if you don't feel like it right now x Go wake your parents so they can support you x Try and stay calm and let time pass because this will get better. Your panic will make it seem worse. Let me know if you...
  5. Rhea

    Should I Wear Earplugs at the Dentist?

    no do not wear earplugs.....believe me, from experience it is much better without
  6. Rhea

    Just Been to the Dentist... And Didn't Use Plugs!

    Hi, hope everyone is doing well :) I haven't posted here for awhile, but i have just had a small victory (actually a humongous victory for me) so felt the need to post... After avoiding the dentist for the best part of 10 years, until an appointment last year to have a filling where I used...
  7. Rhea

    Hopes Dashed :(

    Hi everyone, Long time no see. I am back today to...well vent I guess. No one at home to listen to I thought i'd come here... After 13 years of T (caused by music in night club), by this time last year my life was, well, not a life, just a mere existence. I hadn't worked for 3 years, spent...
  8. Rhea

    An Awful Experience... Just Got Back From The Dentist

    Hi @Gosia I cannot tell if I had a permanent spike due to the drilling...but I don't think T is worse in both ears of late, but I don't think it was because of the drilling...but as always, this whole t saga is a mystery and it is impossible to tell. Right now I have done nothing...
  9. Rhea

    Please Help. Exposure to an Alarm, Panic, Suicidal Thoughts

    @Katarina Seriously I am one of the worst for worrying about sound exposures but I have gotten slowly better with time after realizing that the majority of the issues were caused by panic/fear/over thinking things. I used to freak out at every moderate noise, dropping a fork, a clothes hanger...
  10. Rhea

    Polident / Poligrip — Live Loud Commercial

    oh I made my above post as a new thread but admin must of moved it as it appears Tellis had already beat me to it! lol ...seriously though I feel like contacting autifony and informing them their funding partner may have a slight conflict of interest if they indeed feel "life should be ringing...
  11. Rhea

    Polident / Poligrip — Live Loud Commercial

    err please tell me if this is me overreacting but I just saw an advert and I am majorly annoyed/shocked/outraged! The advert/commercial started quoting things like "life should be loud" and even goes as far as to say "it should be ringing in your ears" (or something to that effect) and I'm...
  12. Rhea

    Lightning Just Struck Literally Within 50 Metres of Me

    Happened to me a few times last year. Once it was night time and I was in bed and had the windows wide open, the thunder clap was right above the house and was loud as hell. I freaked out and worried about the tinnitus... in the end though there was no permanent tinnitus increase... the issue...
  13. Rhea

    Question for Those Whose Tinnitus Was Caused by Noise Exposure

    immediately....left the club and ears were ringing like they had before, but this time more extreme...thought not much of it, went home, went to bed, woke up the next day and thought shit it's still there..still didn't panic too much as thought it would go in a few days....12 years later...still...
  14. Rhea

    Dental Work (Including Drilling) & Tinnitus — Questions and Experiences

    I have had plenty of xrays and they had no effect on T .... I am not aware / have never read or heard that xrays are an issue x
  15. Rhea

    Dental Work (Including Drilling) & Tinnitus — Questions and Experiences

    You may well of read this already on the thread I started, but just wanted to tell you I had an extraction today and if you really cannot handle the drilling, and the tooth that is broken is a back tooth then maybe extraction is a viable option. I feel for you, know how scary it all is....I...