Recent content by Richard zurowski

  1. Richard zurowski

    Tinnitus from Firecracker — Posts on Tinnitus Talk Confirm There's Not Much to Be Done

    If you have hearing loss like I have then the tinnitus becomes more noticeable I find hearing aids are a great help.
  2. Richard zurowski

    My Precious Sylvia Has Passed Away

    My condolences to all and I hope you feel surrounded by much love.❤️❤️
  3. Richard zurowski

    Is Tinnitec a Scam?

    They are all scams otherwise this forum wouldn’t exist.
  4. Richard zurowski


    Same here !! Wake up from sleep and it’s screaming but it does go down to the same level after the brain wakes up.
  5. Richard zurowski

    What Song Do You Associate with Your Tinnitus?

    Hit me with your rythem stick . Ian Dury & the blockheads. Beat the crap out of my tinnitus lol.
  6. Richard zurowski

    Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol — Scam?

    If TONAKI was a cure, this forum would not exist, simple as that.
  7. Richard zurowski

    Colonoscopy — Is It Loud for Someone with Hyperacusis?

    @orbiter12. Colonoscopy is the endoscopic examination of the bowel with a camera. There is no noise having that done.
  8. Richard zurowski

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    I’m really amazed just looking at the amount of money that people are donating in a one-off payment. Truly amazing. Let’s keep it going and smash that target of 10,000. Whatever amount you put in, a big thank you to all of you.
  9. Richard zurowski

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    @Ed209, thank you Ed. I’m sure @Danny Boy is looking down at us all and thinking WOW!!
  10. Richard zurowski

    Tinnitus Is Gone!

    @Tamara Fothering . Hi that’s great news I’m happy that your tinnitus has gone. See there is hope after all. Enjoy the silence.
  11. Richard zurowski

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    @Starthrower. Thank you. It’s all for a very good cause. I’ll go down to my local pub and see if I can find some of my old school friends. I’m not finished yet lol.
  12. Richard zurowski

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    @glynis. Hi mother glynis And thank you too for your kind donations and to everybody else as well. I wish I could add more. It’s slowly creeping up. Let’s hope it continues. xxx
  13. Richard zurowski

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    @Ed209 hi. My friends and family will pay into my bank account and then I’ll pay it in by PayPal. Thanks Ed.
  14. Richard zurowski

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    @Markku, I’ve got several friends and family who want to donate but unfortunately cannot due to this problem. So frustrating Markku.
  15. Richard zurowski

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    @glynis. Hi Mother I'm OK, only have just seen this very sad news on Danny Boy passing. I’m really shocked and saddened at this moment. He had such a big influence on Tinnitus Talk in the past. I was only thinking a few days ago that he hadn’t been on this forum for some while now. As you...