Recent content by Rings-a-Bell

  1. Rings-a-Bell

    Pre-Existing Hearing Loss/Tinnitus: Are the Ears More Delicate and Susceptible to Further Damage?

    I have a 55 dB hearing loss notch at 4000 Hz and a tinnitus tone to match it. I've had it for years, and for the last couple of years, I have been mostly habituated. I recently fell out of habituation because I went to a couple of loud social events. Of course, I wore good-quality earplugs, but...
  2. Rings-a-Bell

    Frequency Therapeutics — FX-345

    I suspect there is going to be a whole lot of formerly deaf mice running around with perfect hearing before we get our hearing fixed :)
  3. Rings-a-Bell

    Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

    5 years in with tinnitus due to noise induced hearing loss in the 4 kHz range. Someone yelled in my ear the other night and caused a massive spike. Took 40 mg of Prednisone for a day and the tinnitus immediately dropped to below its usual baseline. I only had one day worth of pills so the...
  4. Rings-a-Bell

    Frequency Therapeutics — FX-345

    My hearing loss & tinnitus tone is at exactly 4 kHz. I wonder if FX-345 will help, or if 4 kHz will be to close to the edge of the drug's effectiveness zone to receive much benefit?
  5. Rings-a-Bell

    Dirk De Ridder Explores Ketamine and HD Transcranial Infraslow Pink Noise Stimulation (HD-tIPNS)

    If fixing tinnitus was as simple as just taking Ketamine, MDMA or mushrooms then we would all know about it by now. De Ridder is pairing the drug with other things, so unfortunately it is nothing that we can emulate on our own.
  6. Rings-a-Bell

    Can You Recommend Some More Affordable Hearing Aids?

    I've got a 60 dB hearing loss at 4000 Hz that causes my tinnitus. Although I've been mostly adapted to my tinnitus for the last year, I am having a bit of a spike right now, so I just got back from a hearing aid specialist and tried on some hearing aids. They really do seem to help my tinnitus...
  7. Rings-a-Bell

    Pipeline Therapeutics

    Neither PIPE-505 nor OTS-413 are letting people into their trials who have "bothersome tinnitus". To someone waiting for a tinnitus cure, that seems like a bit of red flag.
  8. Rings-a-Bell

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I notice that they only talk about speech intelligibility. Have they given up on improving the actual hearing thresholds?
  9. Rings-a-Bell

    Habituation Linked to Sensory Memory

    It's like a Chinese finger-trap. The more you try and solve it and the more you care about it, the harder it is to forget about it and start habituating. It's only when you truly accept it that you will stop thinking about it as much. This is easy to say and easy to understand intellectually...
  10. Rings-a-Bell


    Of course I don't know. Neither do you :) This is all speculation. Both positive and negative speculation work together to help us get closer to the truth. That's what I am interested in.
  11. Rings-a-Bell

    Chocolate-Based Diet May Protect Middle-Aged People from Hearing Loss

    If chocolate protected one's hearing to any serious degree I would be able to hear a whisper at 1000 yards :)
  12. Rings-a-Bell


    Been here from the beginning. They had lots of PR a while ago but there's no denying that they have gone quiet recently. I've launched several startups in my time and what you want to do to have a successful product launch is build a community buzz around it. They started building the buzz...
  13. Rings-a-Bell

    Had to Go to Bar for Work Meeting. Feel My Ears May Be Worse Even Though I Had Earplugs. Help?

    So here's the good news. I've been in exactly your situation 5-6 times. I go someplace a little noisy (bar/restaurant/movie). I measure 80db. I use earplugs. Stay for an hours or two. Things are mostly fine that night but I wake the next morning to a big spike. Every time it has happened...
  14. Rings-a-Bell


    The irony is, so far the only "silence" that MuteButton has created for anyone is in their press releases and product updates for the last 6 months. The problem is irony is not a good marketing strategy and I am beginning to wonder if their current silence is just a cover for other problems...
  15. Rings-a-Bell

    Habituation Linked to Sensory Memory

    I've gone from noticing/thinking about my Tinnitus 500x per day to between 5-15x per day. Some days I forget about it altogether. But... it took 2+ years to get to that point and if I go to a place with louder noise (a loud restaurant or movie) without hearing protection, it can trigger a 1-2...