Recent content by rogi

  1. rogi

    Cochlear Implants as a Treatment of Tinnitus

    Markku changed the title of the post. But the article only says they test it on people with tinnitus in one ear so it's easier to measure the difference between what they can and can't hear. (And it doesn't say anything about deafness) Thanks for the nice replys! I will keep you guys updated if...
  2. rogi

    Cochlear Implants as a Treatment of Tinnitus

    As of today an article about implants, to make an end of tinnitus, appeared in a dutch newspaper. I'll do my best to make it readable to you. "Patients consider suicide because of tinnitus" Implants bring back silence in the head Researchers from the Academic Hospital Maastricht (The...
  3. rogi

    Tinnex (Caroverine)

    - Article - PDF AHMEDABAD, JAN 21: Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Ltd (LPL) on Monday said it has introduced in the country an ear spray to cure the ‘ringing problem’. The Ahmedabad-based company had entered into an agreement with Phafag AG, Switzerland, for its Caroverine molecule for the...
  4. rogi

    ARCHES Tinnitus Formula

    Convincing? They're just some made up stories... The thing is that all those kind of websites don't provide a form where i can put my own story/experience and directly post it. Just like this scam Always random people telling how great the product is. Just...
  5. rogi

    Notched Music Therapy (DIY, AudioNotch, etc.)

    @dan i have exactly the same experience. At first my T seemed reduced (i have posted in this thread before), but after i went to a festival (even with earprotection) my T came back. After that i tried notched audio again but it didn't seem to reduce the T anymore. So i'm wondering if it actually...
  6. rogi

    Scam? Phase-Out Mobile App

    Discovered this app yesterday and bought it. The app says you only need to use it for 3 days (unless you need more). The thing that's really crap about this app is that (for me) it takes ages to match my T. The app will let you match it 6 times so it is more accurate. The problem is that my T...
  7. rogi

    Ear Tone by New Nordic

    Hi, I just came across this product on a dutch forum about tinnitus, where someone asked if anyone tried this product. I'm curious if maybe anyone here is using it? Ear Tone on (first-time customers get $5-10 off of their order)
  8. rogi

    Notched Music Therapy (DIY, AudioNotch, etc.)

    You're welcome, i'm just trying like you to find a sollution. Most of the times now i listen for 1,5 hour per day, some days i tried 3 hours. I listen to a low volume since i don't want to risk it becoming louder. They also don't recommend a loud volume. But i guess you just need to trial &...
  9. rogi

    Notched Music Therapy (DIY, AudioNotch, etc.)

    Used this app for 3 days but didn't gave me the feeling i was getting results. (There are no reviews of this app too) Now i'm using AudioNotch ( for like 4 days, which is basically kind of the same product, and i already feel a reduction of the T. (When waking up it...