Recent content by Ross97

  1. Ross97

    Weight Training with Hyperacusis?

    Hi guys. I'm currently recovering from bad hyperacusis. I got to a very good place but now nursing a setback. Wondering has anyone been weight training with hyperacusis? I've lost a lot of muscle and hoping to gain some back when I'm in better form. I'll be working out at home so noise isn't a...
  2. Ross97

    Hyperacusis Spikes After Trying to Start Living Normally

    Thanks for the response Aleph, I’ve read one or two of your posts on other threads and it seems like what I’m experiencing is similar to what you experienced in 2015. Would you be able to summarise in a few points what helped you to get better? Essentially avoiding noise until symptoms reduced...
  3. Ross97

    Hyperacusis Spikes After Trying to Start Living Normally

    Fair enough. I appreciate the tip as I wouldn't have heard of that otherwise! The tricky thing now is trying to drown out the ringing without the use of white noise / sound from a speaker at night. I'd imagine everyone has that issue when avoiding digital noise and there's no way around it really.
  4. Ross97

    Hyperacusis Spikes After Trying to Start Living Normally

    Okay interesting. Is there anything that can be done to improve that? Just similar advice to the above (i.e. take it easy for a few months)?
  5. Ross97

    Hyperacusis Spikes After Trying to Start Living Normally

    I feel a lot of discomfort and a fullness/warmth in my ears when I hear knives/forks clinking, doors closing, plates being placed on glass tables etc. I don’t think I’d call it a stabbing pain but it’s a really vulnerable sensitivity accompanied by some ringing that forces me to leave the room...
  6. Ross97

    Hyperacusis Spikes After Trying to Start Living Normally

    Hi everyone - I've been experiencing tinnitus since early June after a music festival. Recently, my baseline tinnitus has become manageable, and I've slowly tried to get back into living normally. But I've found that when I overdo it (noise, or more recently exercise) I get intense hyperacusis...