Recent content by Russell Grimes

  1. R

    MRI/MRA of Brain, Skull Base, and Neck — Can You Figure Out My Diagnosis?

    The MRI isn’t bad. I have had three, all with contrast. Just close your eyes and try to focus on the music that you need to focus to hear because the machine gets so loud. It is likely the MRI will show nothing but a test with no news is good news because it helps eliminate possible problems and...
  2. R

    MRI/MRA of Brain, Skull Base, and Neck — Can You Figure Out My Diagnosis?

    Yes, based upon my research, it is possible. Unless they missed a DAVF, it may be the cause of my problems. I am sitting right now and it feels like my right ear is clogged a little. There is an echoic sound of I tap behind my ear and it feels a little full. It gets better and worse throughout...
  3. R

    MRI/MRA of Brain, Skull Base, and Neck — Can You Figure Out My Diagnosis?

    In January 2022, I started getting predominantly right-sided, high-pitched pulsatile tinnitus and a prominent popping in my throat when swallowing. The pulsatile tinnitus varies in intensity and is worst when changing positions, such as standing from sitting and rolling over in bed. When I...
  4. R

    Tinnitus Sounding Like a ROTARY TELEPHONE Ringing in the Distance

    I have had pulsatile tinnitus for 13 months and am still awaiting more tests to try to find the origin. However, I am also suffering from intermittent tinnitus in the other ear in addition to a tingling sensation and occasional mild pain that seems to be referred from my neck. I hear it...
  5. R

    Pushing on Chin Modulates My Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Thanks for your reply. I believe it is vascular; however, I have no proof. I am hoping the MRI of my cervical spine shows impingement of a blood vessel. If not, I will pay to have a CT scan of the neck and temporal bone and an MRV of my brain as a last resort. I believe it is related to a bone...
  6. R

    Pulsatile Tinnitus When I'm About to Fall Asleep or Wake Up Briefly

    Why did you have a test done on your carotid arteries? Because of the transient pulsatile tinnitus or some other reason?
  7. R

    Pushing on Chin Modulates My Pulsatile Tinnitus

    I already had a clear MRI and MRA of brain, skull base and neck vessels. Insurance is making me do 6 weeks of physical therapy before I can get an MRI of my cervical spine. During my first physical therapy session, my pulsatile tinnitus got louder with certain neck movements. I already knew...
  8. R

    It has not gotten better. It is the same and at its worst when I am in bed in the morning and...

    It has not gotten better. It is the same and at its worst when I am in bed in the morning and when turning over. My insurance just turned me down for an MRI of my cervical spine. I need to have six weeks of physical therapy to see if it gets better before I can get the MRI. I already had an MRI...
  9. R

    Hyoid Bone: Internal Carotid Artery Impingement

    Thanks for the response and the links. I plan to share some valid and reliable, peer-reviewed studies both by certified mail and at my appointment on the 21st of December.
  10. R

    Hyoid Bone: Internal Carotid Artery Impingement

    I saw the vascular specialist. He looked at the MRI and MRA of my neck vessels and essentially told me any further testing there would be a waste because an MRA would show impingement or occlusion of the carotid artery. He also said the cause cannot be venous, which completely diminished his...
  11. R

    Hyoid Bone: Internal Carotid Artery Impingement

    i am glad to hear you were able to get some corrective surgery. Knowing the origin of one’s problems is half the battle. Getting them resolved is the other half.
  12. R

    Hyoid Bone: Internal Carotid Artery Impingement

    Thanks for the response, Greg. I have an appointment with a vascular specialist tomorrow and with a neurologist on the 21st. I will mention these possibilities to the doctors. I am hopeful I can find the etiology of my problems by Spring so I might work upon a resolution. I have no doubt...
  13. R

    Six Months of Tinnitus — Three ENTs and Three "Learn to Live with It" Later...

    Does it make sense to you that a suicidal person would get a COVID-19 vaccine? If he wanted to live because his tinnitus was not that bad before he got the COVID-19 vaccine, why would he kill himself just two days after the vaccine if the tinnitus once again became severe? Why would he not seek...
  14. R

    Six Months of Tinnitus — Three ENTs and Three "Learn to Live with It" Later...

    If he got relief after treatment in Ireland, one must ask why he didn’t go back for treatment after the tinnitus returned. My pulsatile tinnitus in my right ear gets quite loud at times. I heard it for 8.5 hours straight while driving home from a trip yesterday, even over traffic. When I don’t...
  15. R

    Six Months of Tinnitus — Three ENTs and Three "Learn to Live with It" Later...

    I was not familiar with that euthanasia case. It is not reasonable, at least in the United States, to offer euthanasia for distorted sound perception, whether arising internally or externally. There must be a way to surgically render a person deaf, which should eliminate the sound. To me, being...