Recent content by Sammy0225

  1. Sammy0225

    Still have reactive T but not letting it control me anymore

    Still have reactive T but not letting it control me anymore
  2. Sammy0225

    Haven't been here in months! Doing better going on small rd trips listening to music again going...

    Haven't been here in months! Doing better going on small rd trips listening to music again going out again.
  3. Sammy0225

    @Zigs Now I can handle all my children in one room again at normal conversation levels. Took...

    @Zigs Now I can handle all my children in one room again at normal conversation levels. Took roughly two years! Lots of ups and downs. As for the beach house it definitely helped during my onset! Any place you can find that relaxes you well help the mental aspect (:
  4. Sammy0225

    @Zigs well during my worst days I couldn’t help my partner with the kids unfortunately as...

    @Zigs well during my worst days I couldn’t help my partner with the kids unfortunately as anything above whisper level really bothered my ears it took several months to builds small tolerance and eventually I built more and more.
  5. Sammy0225

    Hey guys! Been exercising the ringing has been low hiss past two weeks praying for more quiet days!

    Hey guys! Been exercising the ringing has been low hiss past two weeks praying for more quiet days!
  6. Sammy0225

    Hi guys (: still have T and it’s still reactive probably will have it till the day I die...

    Hi guys (: still have T and it’s still reactive probably will have it till the day I die unfortunately. Hope yall are doing okay
  7. Sammy0225

    Good person passed from this horrible ass condition people need a cure this is horrible

    Good person passed from this horrible ass condition people need a cure this is horrible
  8. Sammy0225

    What you’re describing definitely sounds like a setback cause that’s how mine works also. Barely...

    What you’re describing definitely sounds like a setback cause that’s how mine works also. Barely wake up and it’s already blaring away. Anyways hang in there I don’t get on much but I frequently log in to see how everyone is doing. We will get through this <3
  9. Sammy0225

    "Before this setback, I was driving all over the city with minimal reactivity. I was also able...

    "Before this setback, I was driving all over the city with minimal reactivity. I was also able to tolerate quiet places. The kicker is, I was inside my house when I heard someone honking their loud horn up front. Additionally, the landscaping people didn't give a warning; they just started using...
  10. Sammy0225

    I Seriously, I hate this condition with a passion. I told my partner that if I just had regular...

    I Seriously, I hate this condition with a passion. I told my partner that if I just had regular tinnitus, I'd be home free because I could overlap it with music or ambient noise. Reactive tinnitus acts like a brat; if it can't get its way, it throws a fussy tantrum."
  11. Sammy0225

    "Hi @ErikaS, it's always good hearing from you! I feel like we understand how difficult this...

    "Hi @ErikaS, it's always good hearing from you! I feel like we understand how difficult this condition is, especially reactive tinnitus. I'm also still in a spike. It changes now every millisecond; I can be in one room and walk to another, and the reactivity will instantly change."
  12. Sammy0225

    Sorry to hear this I’m also in a spike 1 days ago I got hit with 50 seconds of a leaf...

    Sorry to hear this I’m also in a spike 1 days ago I got hit with 50 seconds of a leaf blower/lawn mower. Then a few minutes after that someone pulled next to my house and honked the car horn 45 seconds. Took 24hrs to notice the reactivity is haywire
  13. Sammy0225

    Yup I gave myself a botch micro suction and got all that back in 2022

    Yup I gave myself a botch micro suction and got all that back in 2022
  14. Sammy0225

    @Thizzle thanks for asking man I appreciate it I’m doing okay for now after being home bound for...

    @Thizzle thanks for asking man I appreciate it I’m doing okay for now after being home bound for two years I’m driving daily now and going places there aren’t loud. Healing at a snails pace
  15. Sammy0225

    Also nervous system plays a big part in reactive tinnitus the more control you have over your...

    Also nervous system plays a big part in reactive tinnitus the more control you have over your nerves the calmer the reactivity will be. Lots of trial and error Cheers