Recent content by Scarecrow

  1. Scarecrow

    Flying, Cinemas, Bars and Other Activities with Hyperacusis/Noxacusis

    I have tinnitus and hyperacusis with noxacusis. I am definitely getting better tolerance to artificial audio, but only if they are in intermediate volume and not going all gun blazing like those big speakers in concerts and festivals.
  2. Scarecrow

    Tinnitus Worsened and Developed Hyperacusis After an MRI — Feeling Depressed and Stressed

    Very sorry for the late replies. 1. In my worst days, even showering and the system sounds from my Samsung phone hurt my ears badly. The worst were definitely loud speakers from outdoor events, large vehicles with old engines going bonkers and construction noises. 2. I got Peltor Sports...
  3. Scarecrow

    Flying, Cinemas, Bars and Other Activities with Hyperacusis/Noxacusis

    I got hyperacusis (with pain) after an MRI scan for my spine back in 2022. 1 years 8 months later, to my surprise, the pain seems to have got better and I'm doing quite well. I no longer need the earmuffs and I can enjoy intermediate volume of music from my Marshall speaker. I just want to...
  4. Scarecrow

    Tinnitus Worsened and Developed Hyperacusis After an MRI — Feeling Depressed and Stressed

    1 years 7 months later, to my surprise, the pain seems to have gone away and I'm doing quite well. I no longer need the earmuffs anymore and I can enjoy intermediate to fairly loud music from my Marshall speaker. I also can do normal activities like exercising, shopping and dining outside in a...
  5. Scarecrow

    Hyperacusis (with Pain) Worsened After Exposed to Elevator Alarm

    Thanks everyone, I was actually feeling slightly better after a few days rest. But guess what, I got exposed to loud noises without protection again. I was walking in an alley and this food delivery driver was riding his bicycle, blasting his portable speaker and decided to stop beside me. I...
  6. Scarecrow

    Hyperacusis (with Pain) Worsened After Exposed to Elevator Alarm

    I had an acoustic trauma 2 months ago and developed moderate hyperacusis and tinnitus. Earlier today, I was taking the elevator in a quiet mall and it got stuck. There was a shake and somewhat moderate boom noise. After being stuck for less than a minute, the elevator door opened and also gave...
  7. Scarecrow

    Tinnitus Worsened and Developed Hyperacusis After an MRI — Feeling Depressed and Stressed

    Hi Michael, thanks again for the response. I don't wear hearing protection much like you advised, but only in rather public noisy places. And I even took it off to adapt to low noise levels. I always thought occlusion effects will only occur when one is talking or in dental sessions (drilling...
  8. Scarecrow

    Tinnitus Worsened and Developed Hyperacusis After an MRI — Feeling Depressed and Stressed

    Update - After doing some research, I think my tinnitus and hyperacusis on my left ear seem to get worse after using a typical PlayStation 5 headphone (not playing music) to block noises, but only to be exposed to occlusion effect/low frequency noises from vehicles engines and aircraft flying...
  9. Scarecrow

    Tinnitus Worsened and Developed Hyperacusis After an MRI — Feeling Depressed and Stressed

    Thanks Michael, really appreciate your help. I have read through some parts of your threads and will continue reading the rest. My GP also gave the same advice like your article, don't overprotect the hearing too much and hyperacusis will improve. However, I am still feeling stressed when...
  10. Scarecrow

    Tinnitus Worsened and Developed Hyperacusis After an MRI — Feeling Depressed and Stressed

    Hi Michael, thank you for reading and replying. Appreciate it. Yes, I was given some tablets to remove the phlegm/mucus trapped in the middle ear last December (forgot the name) and Vasican recently. I stopped using headphones and earbuds since my early adult years. I do have a Marshall...
  11. Scarecrow

    Tinnitus Worsened and Developed Hyperacusis After an MRI — Feeling Depressed and Stressed

    Hi folks, I'm Morgan. I'm new here. This is my story: I started to developed mild tinnitus in my left ear last December. I visited my family GP and was diagnosed with otitis media in both ears. I have had long term sinusitis for years so I believe this might have led to it. The tinnitus was...