Recent content by Sebastien D

  1. S

    Favorite YouTube Channels for Sleep

    Now I know I haven't had tinnitus for long and have no experience to speak on. Not to mention mine is rather minor and manageable right now. What I do have is two decades of experience with chronic insomnia. Best way I've found to deal with it is to find me something relaxing to focus on. A...
  2. S

    Fed Up... Anybody Else Thinking About Ending It All?

    Suicide is a strange thing to think about for me. Partly because I haven't exactly had the best life so far. In fact I sometimes even consider myself cursed. Partly because I've had a near death experience in the past and well... it wasn't that bad. It felt like falling asleep. So now when I...
  3. S

    Kinda Freaking Out Right Now

    Well I've always hated noise so even when I listen to music or watch television it's always been pretty quiet. That and I had a feeling permanent ear damage might suck. Now though I work at a pretty noisy place so it's hard to prevent further damage or let my ears heal. Also from what I can tell...
  4. S

    Kinda Freaking Out Right Now

    To anyone who reads this hello and thank you for your time. I haven't had it for long. Started off as a really quiet ringing I could barely notice. About a month ago it started getting louder though and already a loud fan isn't loud enough to mask it. I can forget about it easily enough when...