Recent content by Sheamus

  1. Sheamus

    Given Time, It Does Get Better

    When I first posted on Tinnitus Talk 20 months ago, I was in a pretty dark place as a result of my tinnitus. I think I contracted it from a bad combination of genetics, stress, insomnia and overmedication for the insomnia. It just appeared one morning out of nowhere. For the first year, my...
  2. Sheamus

    Habituation for High Pitched Tinnitus

    Sorry to be responding a bit late responding, Stephanie. You are so new at this. Mine is still with me at 15 months, likely do to my deafness in the upper ranges. Although I have been skeptical, I must admit those who predict tinnitus gets better over time have been right, for me anyways. I...
  3. Sheamus

    Christmas and New Year Wishes

    Well, I am closing in on my first full year with T, and I do feel I am on the path towards habituation. I would just like to thank everyone on Tinnitus Talk for your support and great advice over this past year; in particular @glynis who, early in my first month, advised me to: "Keep the...
  4. Sheamus

    Is Weed Okay When You Have Tinnitus?

    Oops! I mean stress triggered my tinnitus, sorry for the typo. Obviously, I've had my glass of wine for the night. Cheers!
  5. Sheamus

    Is Weed Okay When You Have Tinnitus?

    I am at eight months with Tinnitus, and I must say that a glass or two of wine or a puff or two of pot in the evening helps. Both reduce stress, and stress - for me - is what got me triggered my stress. It all depends on your state of mind. Pot by itself - in my unprofessional opinion - doesn't...
  6. Sheamus

    Acquiring a Positive Mindset

    Just a note for @glynis Glynis emailed me after my first post eight months ago, when my tinnitus was new, and I was really struggling. Her kind words of encouragement meant the world to me back then, and they still resonate. I am sorry to read she having some hardship right now, and I wish her...
  7. Sheamus

    Habituation for High Pitched Tinnitus

    I also have high pitched, intrusive tinnitus, probably related to moderate deafness in my upper ranges. I am in month seven, and I think - hope - I am finally beginning to habituate. I want to recommend a natural noise app I found that is helping me sleep. It's called "Rain, Rain," and it's...
  8. Sheamus

    How Loud Is Your Tinnitus?

    Thank you for this interesting survey. My tinnitus is really variable, so it is hard for me to fit it into any one category. It can be so quiet one day that it is practically silent, and the next day be so intrusive that even a shower nozzle aimed at the back of my head doesn't mask the noise...
  9. Sheamus

    The Positivity Thread

    I have moderate tinnitus from sleep meds that I took about five and a half months ago and moderate high frequency hearing loss. Very occasionally I have a quiet day, and I awoke this morning thinking today would be one of those days. But, alas, it just started up again. So I went straight to The...
  10. Sheamus

    My Four Month Anniversary

    Bless your heart, ijflyman. I was on a combination of wellbutrin, advil pm and hydroxyzine. Each has low incidence of tinnitus individually, but the combination did me in. The nurse who encouraged me to take all these meds together has since left the clinic. I am now only on mirtazapine to help...
  11. Sheamus

    My Four Month Anniversary

    Four months ago this morning I awoke with ringing in my ears, triggered by my stress and sleep medications. I can't honestly say it has gotten better, but I can say my attitude towards it is improving. I no longer scream into my pillow at night, which is a relief to my long suffering English...
  12. Sheamus

    Spontaneous Recovery Stats: Many Recover (3 Studies)

    These are interesting stats, thank you. My ENT was also pessimistic about my recovery from sleep medication induced tinnitus. Then he said his opinion was biased because his patents who did recover never spoke to him again. My primary care physician said it should go away on its own in a couple...
  13. Sheamus

    Some Advice for Habituation

    Well, today is my three-month anniversary of my tinnitus. Since it is as loud as ever, I know I must replace my hope that this medication induced tinnitus might be reversible with the hope that I can habituate to it. I look forward to the time that I can say, like many in this forum, "yeah, it's...
  14. Sheamus

    My First Post; Thank You

    Thank you, Candy, Glynis and Blane for your welcoming emails. Much appreciated! Wishing you all the best, Jim
  15. Sheamus

    My First Post; Thank You

    Dear fellow Tinn. Soldiers, Sorry for the bad pun, but tinnitus does feel like a battle at times, and this forum makes me feel I am not in it alone. I have read many wonderfully empathetic and encouraging postings, from Glynis, Jelena and many other members. It has been very comforting, and I...