Recent content by Shell2211

  1. S

    My Tinnitus Is Almost Gone After 3 Years: It's Now a Faint Ringing — No Longer Hyperacusis Either

    You’re at the point I was when I decided I just had to take control. It’s very hard to explain but the more I started concentrating on the daily goings on around me that were important, and let go of the what if’s about my ears that were out of my control the more normality I gained back. I’m...
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    My Tinnitus Is Almost Gone After 3 Years: It's Now a Faint Ringing — No Longer Hyperacusis Either

    My tinnitus used to spike if I watched tv. Not sure if it was giving off a certain pitch while it was on. It used to create what I can only describe as a high piercing sound so loud I could feel it in the centre of my head, and it would make me squint in pain. I couldn’t watch the tv without...
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    My Tinnitus Is Almost Gone After 3 Years: It's Now a Faint Ringing — No Longer Hyperacusis Either

    Yes I did. Any noise wether it was the pitch of the noise or the loudness (I’m unsure which) would make me flinch with pain. It’s very hard to describe experiencing pain from a noise to people that have never experienced it, so none of my family understood, and looked at my blankly when I’d say...
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    My Tinnitus Is Almost Gone After 3 Years: It's Now a Faint Ringing — No Longer Hyperacusis Either

    Hi, I know this question wasn’t for me but I had all of those! My hypercausis gradually went away over about two years and my TTTS improved massively over the same amount of time. I still get little clicks in both my ears pretty much daily, but they really don’t concern me in the slightest. The...
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    My Tinnitus Is Almost Gone After 3 Years: It's Now a Faint Ringing — No Longer Hyperacusis Either

    I have 5 children. Four of which are a lot older 21,19,18 and 14. My youngest is now 5. As you can imagine my house is anything but quiet! S x
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    My Tinnitus Is Almost Gone After 3 Years: It's Now a Faint Ringing — No Longer Hyperacusis Either

    This sounds exactly the same kind of recovery as I’ve experienced! I’m now almost 3 years in, and only occasionally have bad days where I can hear the tinnitus during the day. The majority of the time I don’t hear it at all anymore other than when I go to bed, but even then I notice it and then...
  7. S

    Hi, I haven’t logged on here for quite sometime! My husbands tinnitus never came back . My...

    Hi, I haven’t logged on here for quite sometime! My husbands tinnitus never came back . My tinnitus continues to improve and I can go for long periods of time not hearing it . It doesn’t bother me even when I can hear it now though tbh. I had loads of issues with my ears and overall I just find...
  8. S

    Multiple Tinnitus Sounds — Does This Mean It's Going to Be Permanent? — Any Help or Reassurances?

    Can anyone help or offer any reassurance please. I have had tinnitus since July and have so many different cycling sounds that I can’t keep up. Does this mean it’s permanent? I’m at a loss right now and would just like SOME improvement. The original 3 sounds have faded so much that when I...
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    Can Someone Please Explain This? Sudden and Unexpected Improvement in Tinnitus and Hyperacusis

    I’m so confused with mine. I can’t tell if mine's mild, moderate or what! It can range from the tiniest tinkling sound that I can hardly hear up to being able to hear it over the car a bit all in the same day! Different sounds different volumes and yes I get the sand head thing as well. I’m...
  10. S

    Low Rumbling Sound in Right Ear

    If it comes and goes and you can kind of feel it as well as hear it then I’d say it’s definitely tonic tympani tensor spasms. For what ever reason laying down seems to trigger it for a lot of people including myself. The best thing to do is distract yourself from it and I find it goes away
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    Small Muscle Spasms in Sides of the Head?

    @Contrast i believe so. Mine is on and off and currently driving me mad. I have a mixed bag of things going on and have found out that my top three vertebrae aren’t in line. I’ve started seeing a very good physiotherapist about it and she is pretty certain that a lot of it she can fix. I had...
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    Small Muscle Spasms in Sides of the Head?

    Yes, and my eye and my flaming ear as well. Did you have a neck injury?
  13. S

    Are Specific Tinnitus Sounds Associated with Specific Tinnitus Causes?

    Thank you. I’m just scared that having so many different sounds means it’s not going to at least get better
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    Are Specific Tinnitus Sounds Associated with Specific Tinnitus Causes?

    I’m feeling really down today and I was just wondering if specific causes for tinnitus have specific sounds or, rather, does an acoustic shock that causes tinnitus tend to just have one or perhaps two sounds whereas say stress induced has multiple sounds? And has anyone heard lots of different...
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    Probably the Worst Thing That Can Happen!

    @JoshuaD2002 I'm very new to this horrid tinnitus thing myself and suffer with extreme anxiety. I’m only just starting to get a handle on things if only a little bit. You do seem very very anxious right now. Do you think it would help to perhaps speak with your parents and maybe see about the...