Recent content by SibilantRange

  1. S

    Impacted Wisdom Tooth and TTTS

    For TTTS... Any hopeful things to be done? Or just anti-anxiety meds?
  2. S

    Hyperacusis from Barotrauma / Work Related (Lawn Care, Mowing)?

    I get dizzy when I look to my far right with my just my eyes. Also after a while my hyperacusis gets worse after this. How do I get a diagnosis for this stuff, what type of doctor should I try?
  3. S

    Software for Compressing the Dynamic Range of Sounds on PC?

    Yes. Oeksound Spiff. It's a VST3 plug in. You need a host or DAW to run it. It has a free trial. It's far better than a limiter/compressor. It slows down transients and dynamics without breaking fidelity. You're welcome.
  4. S

    I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus

    I'm curious about this. What does it hurt to try? Low volumes. I have mild loudness hyperacusis, especially in the right ear. Sensitivity to dishes, keys, coins and slaps etc. Has anyone other than OP found relief through this, members of this group? I need this for hyperacusis... How do I...
  5. S

    Zōk Relief Device — Friend's Ear Fullness and Tinnitus Relieved

    I too want to try this? Any feedback from OP?
  6. S

    Is My Pain Hyperacusis All in My Head? Am I Making It Worse by Anticipating Pain?

    It's the small stuff with me too. Dishes, chips bags, dropping small things like a pen on a table etc. Most things between 3 kHz and 6 kHz. Sometimes I'll hear a tone in music, it would be like a long tone and it almost tingles my brain and I get slightly nauseated and feel weird for a few...
  7. S

    Bought an Otoscope with Camera: Hair Coming Straight Out of Eardrum? What the Heck!

    So I bought an otoscope that has a camera and connects to phone. It was like $40 from Amazon. Just to see how my eardrum is. Apparently my right ear, which is also my problem ear with hyperacusis and faint tinnitus, has a hair sticking out of my eardrum. This scared me when I saw it. I don't...
  8. S

    Hyperacusis from Barotrauma / Work Related (Lawn Care, Mowing)?

    What are good starter supplements to help with loudness hyperacusis? I also have TMJ.
  9. S

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I suppose this stuff won't be commercially available (in hopes that the trials are successful) for some years at the very least?
  10. S

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    OK thanks, I understand better now. It saddens me greatly that neurologists are behind the curve as well. Like you said, they are practitioners... Where are the FX-322 trials taking place? I'd love to be a guinea pig for it, I just want relief again... A fire alarm while cooking set me back a...
  11. S

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I'm going by what's being reported by neurologists. The post below your post seems to answer the question: Isn't it clear that no ENT or audiologist (common folks you find in ENT shops) understand hyperacusis or push forward for more knowledge? Neurologists and companies like the one at hand...
  12. S

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Does FX-322 help if your 8th cranial nerve is damaged, which is supposed to be responsible for hyperacusis?
  13. S

    Can Anyone Recommend a Good Pair of Ear Muffs for Hyperacusis?

    Earasers Standard. It attenuates peaks, it's great for not overprotecting, they are invisible to others as well. Super comfortable. Here are the attentions. As you can se upper mids/lower treble is peak attenuated vs mean. It helps me listen to music too. It's like a smoothing EQ right at...
  14. S

    Hyperacusis, As I See It

    To add, get the STANDARD version of the Earasers first. Make sure you get the right size for you. If it is not a perfect fit, return and try another size. The standard has the least attenuation, with up to 13 dB in the upper mids/low treble, while the lows and highs provide just 2 to 4 dB...
  15. S

    Hyperacusis, As I See It

    Try Earasers. They are invisible ear protection. The standard model attenuates the upper mids/lower treble the most, and low frequencies and high frequencies just 3 dB or so. This allows you to tolerate voiced...