Recent content by Simon 852

  1. Simon 852

    Pulsatile Tinnitus and Head Position

    Yes I will - thanks Karen. Yes I do have hyperacusis, especially at bedtime, a small noise can send a shockwave like you'd never believe. Other 'normal' sounds can be really painful or uncomfortable. Do you have it? Anyway, I'll post again when I know more. Best wishes to you Simon
  2. Simon 852

    Pulsatile Tinnitus and Head Position

    Hi Karen - thanks for your reply! Yes, I am going to pester the ENT department about an MRI or CT scan; they just don't suggest these things; I told them I could just about live with the Tinnitus (no choice!) but alongside the breathing and heartbeat etc, the echo of my voice, when I speak...
  3. Simon 852

    Pulsatile Tinnitus and Head Position

    About 2 or 3 years Karen, I believe it is related to Glue Ear which I have all the time and for which the ENT consultant has given me steroid nasal drops and hearing aids; the PT is not constant however; I would love to to have MRI scan for this as it affects not only me hearing, tinnitus, and...
  4. Simon 852

    Tinnitus From "Glue Ear" — Dr. Shows Video

    Yes I have it and it's horrible; it affects the way I talk as the voice is constantly echoing back uncomfortably from within the skull, extremely unpleasant, plus it exacerbates my tinnitus and creates very muffled hearing with no treble; as a musician this has severely compacted my life. The...
  5. Simon 852

    Pulsatile Tinnitus and Head Position

    Yes I have it in left ear if I turn my head to the right, especially when lying down. I sympathise!
  6. Simon 852

    One Year Tinnitus Anniversary — Life Is Normal

    Thank you for this. How long did the hyperacusis last? Mine is acute, it's been getting worse for about 1-2 years and I'm falling into this trap of projecting ahead into the future that it will never go. I know this is negative thinking but the symptoms are so bad I can hardly hold...
  7. Simon 852

    From Darkness to Light, How I Recovered from Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    Hi Billie - thanks for the positive message. But can you explain a bit more about how you have dealt with the hyperacusis? Didn't quite get what you meant re: ear plugs. I'm trying out various plugs but all sorts of sounds make me jump out of my skin, including quiet sounds in a quiet room. Thanks.
  8. Simon 852

    How to Free Yourself from the Tyranny of Tinnitus. My Journey!

    Great positive story Thomas. I used to meditate and follow various Eastern practices and beliefs, then life took over for 15-20 years, relationships, had kids, lengthy tours in band, slipped back into old unhealthy ways, then a few years ago along came tinnitus, gradually, creeping, now it's...
  9. Simon 852

    Hello, Here's My Contribution

    Thanks Mark - I've replied to you and Steve in another post, but thanks - yes I will try the white noise generators but I wish ENT and doctors were better informed. Every time a GP sticks a microscope in my ear I sigh.. I know it's not wax causing this! Appreciate your replies, thanks! Now I...
  10. Simon 852

    Hello, Here's My Contribution

    Hi. I'm a musician and performer, lead guitarist in Dirty DC (AC/DC tribute show) touring past 15 years (ouch), have also written and recorded symphonic rock, plus soundscape and nature/relaxation music which may in hindsight have been a better career path than the rock guitar path I have...
  11. Simon 852

