Recent content by Slaw

  1. S

    I Developed Typewriter Tinnitus After Having Regular Tinnitus for Six Years

    Oh, is there a test to detect the spasms? When your head throbs, is it focused on one specific spot? I experience something similar near my right ear, and my eyes seem to involuntarily close when it happens. How did you find a specialist familiar with this, @EDDTEKK? I’m in the US. It’s...
  2. S

    I Developed Typewriter Tinnitus After Having Regular Tinnitus for Six Years

    What kind of massage is it? Are the vibrations from the headband related to the music? @EDDTEKK, did an ABR test reveal anything connected to typewriter tinnitus? Are you suggesting it can identify nerve contact? The sounds are extremely distracting. I wish I knew why they suddenly became...
  3. S

    I Developed Typewriter Tinnitus After Having Regular Tinnitus for Six Years

    Wow, I feel I could have written much of this. What does/did your typewriter tinnitus sound like (anyone in this thread)? Last week, the typewriter tinnitus I had in my right ear (which has hearing loss of unknown origin and other severe to catastrophic tinnitus sounds) became continual. It is...
  4. S

    Sharp Beeping Is Now 24/7 and Louder Than Anything Else

    I have been experiencing literal tinnitus spikes recently, including sharp, high-pitched beeps accompanied by physical sensations. I’ve been researching conditions like typewriter tinnitus, neurovascular compression, middle ear myoclonus, and Tensor Tympani Syndrome. Does anyone have...
  5. S

    Others with Chiari Malformation and/or Unmaskable Fluctuating Tinnitus?

    @Greg Sacramento, I got blood test results and they are hard to interpret, but the doctor said lupus is possible (though I have no apparent liver/kidney/rash issues) but vasculitis seems most likely due to detection of P-ANCA and C-ANCA. I met with a neuro and they said the MRV shows stenosis...
  6. S

    Others with Chiari Malformation and/or Unmaskable Fluctuating Tinnitus?

    I had positive ANA so I found a rheumatologist and took another blood test (demanded Lyme PCR) and I'm waiting for results. The rheumatologist mentioned Cogan's which I was aware of. However, steroids did nothing to help hearing loss or the increased screaming. I got a referral to an otologist...
  7. S

    Neosensory — Bimodal Stimulation Device for Tinnitus: Any Reviews? A Scam or Not?

    I have severe, unmaskable, fluctuating tinnitus after sudden hearing loss, and I don't know why. So I got the full version of Neosensory, and have no idea how the speech part could ever even work. It does nothing for me. I'm curious if I'm just not comprehending it. When I turn the tinnitus...
  8. S

    Others with Chiari Malformation and/or Unmaskable Fluctuating Tinnitus?

    @shrimp, would you mind sharing how you knew it was SCDS? I'm not sure if it shows on MRI, but the ENT refuses to do a temporal bone CT because my hearing loss is "nearly all sensorineural". I think I have the symptoms like oscillopsia and sensitivity.
  9. S

    Others with Chiari Malformation and/or Unmaskable Fluctuating Tinnitus?

    Thank you so much for the info and advice. I actually did have an MRA with contrast and MRV (1.5T) recently, though only of the head. The MRA report mentioned: Tortuosity of distal cervical segments of internal carotid arteries bilaterally. Junctional prominence of the right side of the...
  10. S

    Others with Chiari Malformation and/or Unmaskable Fluctuating Tinnitus?

    Sorry for the long post, but overall I'm looking for any suggestions on how to sleep with and not think about loud, fluctuating, 24/7 ringing torture that seems impossible to not think about. I'm also curious if anyone else has experience with Chiari malformation. I had bilateral idiopathic...
  11. S

    Sudden Unilateral Deafness After 3 Years of Tinnitus

    It is not any better. I feel I'm not allowed to think about anything except the ringing. There is not a sound or environment that masks the piercing, pulsating screaming, beeping and hissing. I feel that if everyone had this, most research funding would be rerouted within the hour.
  12. S

    Sudden Unilateral Deafness After 3 Years of Tinnitus

    Hello, I'm 25 and have had tinnitus in both ears for 3 years almost exactly, but I've been sensitive to sound my whole life. I had normal hearing tests. I've never been to concerts, etc.. I stopped all headphone use except to protect my ears during flights. The ringing was miserable and...