Recent content by SmallRonnie

  1. SmallRonnie

    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    I think this is the right version, but I'm not 100% sure.
  2. SmallRonnie

    Rinri Therapeutics

    I can't remember exactly what wording Frequency Therapeutics used, but it was something along those lines. They were always talking about the activation of progenitor cells. Regarding Rinri Therapeutics, though, it's nice to have a new potential treatment to look forward to again, but I'm going...
  3. SmallRonnie

    Is There a New Dotcom Bubble?

    This doesn't make the network any less secure. It's not hard to keep a record of your keys if you put in a little effort. You can buy a piece of metal designed specifically for this so it is fire and water resistant so you won't even lose it if your house burns down. Just buy two of those and...
  4. SmallRonnie

    Is There a New Dotcom Bubble?

    It is enforced by miners. They are monetarily incentivised to keep the network secure. It is literally impossible to hack the network unless you acquire more than 51% of the mining pool, in which case, it would just make more sense not to destroy the network since you would make an insane amount...
  5. SmallRonnie

    I stupidly played music way too loud in my car a couple days ago and have been in pain since...

    I stupidly played music way too loud in my car a couple days ago and have been in pain since. Fuck lol
  6. SmallRonnie

    BPC-157 Peptide for Treating Tinnitus

    In general, people don't report as many weird side effects from TB-500 compared to BPC-157. Other odd side effects that some people suffer from BPC-157 are anhedonia and it also stops many types of medications and drugs from working. These don't happen to everyone and usually passes, but they...
  7. SmallRonnie

    Is There a New Dotcom Bubble?

    It's like saying cars are evil because robbers use them as getaway vehicles.
  8. SmallRonnie

    Stem Cell Secretome Treatment

    That's pretty wild. I hope you stay safe! It would be exceptional if this worked for you.
  9. SmallRonnie

    Stem Cell Secretome Treatment

    I hope it goes well for you. Is this something that's publicly available? I presume its an intratympanic injection, right?
  10. SmallRonnie

    Stem Cell Secretome Treatment

    Hey @Tau, just checking in to see if there's any update with you now that a lot of time has passed?
  11. SmallRonnie

    If You Visited an ENT, Were You Satisfied with Your Experience?

    We all need to go easier on ENTs. There is literally nothing he can do to help a patient with tinnitus and we all know it. The best they can do is a referral to therapy. I went to an ENT again yesterday and he referred me to therapy even though I already went and didn't find it that useful. He...
  12. SmallRonnie

    Stem Cell Clinics for Treating Tinnitus?

    I have read something very similar to this before. Why does this put you off trying stem cells?
  13. SmallRonnie

    Is There a New Dotcom Bubble?

    I know you didn't ask me but a lot of investors will generally keep about 5% of their portfolio in physical gold. It's a good hedge against inflation, especially good in these high inflation times. Probably why it's been doing very well recently.
  14. SmallRonnie

    Stem Cell Clinics for Treating Tinnitus?

    These type of cells are usually only used for orthopedic issues since they're not as effective as stem cells that come from wharton's jelly or the umbilical cord. There's also a risk whenever stem cells are transported as they need to be frozen and thawed in very strict procedures. It's very...
  15. SmallRonnie

    Stem Cell Clinics for Treating Tinnitus?

    You're too pessimistic my man. Stem cell treatment is a real thing and there are real clinics that perform this treatment. It's not all a scam. I really am going to go to some treatment soon. It's worth doing a lot of research instead of just jumping right into it.