Recent content by sol sober365

  1. sol sober365

    Cymbalta (Duloxetine)

    it made my tinnitus worse and hyperacusis worse this week. and theres more than enough info all over the web about how taking it or getting off it can make tinnitus worse. if you have tinnitus, b=dont let your dr prescribe you cymbalta. its a horro show. just say no, ask questions later...
  2. sol sober365

    Xanax Withdrawal. What Has Been Your Experience?

    xanax is not a safe drug at all. im surprised you managed that long with it. i was addicted to xanax but they gave me attivan which helped me get off it. attivan is a way safer med then xanax and can help you get off it, but dont take it for more then a year cuz it can get addicting
  3. sol sober365

    I'm New Here. My Tinnitus Was Very Bearable for 3 Years Until Yesterday When It Started Killing Me.

    i havent been exposed to any loud noises since august (in each case which i wore strong earplugs and noise cancelling headphone). went to the ENT yesteay. no earwax, no hearing loss, just some mucus in the head (which we're treating with nasal spray), but i highly doubt thats the cause of it. im...
  4. sol sober365

    I'm New Here. My Tinnitus Was Very Bearable for 3 Years Until Yesterday When It Started Killing Me.

    oh crap!! my hyperacusis is back. the last 2 hours ive been hearing whistling after affects to my fan, air conditioner, videos ive watched, and other things. i had this for a short while on and off four years ago when my tinnitus was bad. wha do i do for this?!! HELP!!!!!!!
  5. sol sober365

    I'm New Here. My Tinnitus Was Very Bearable for 3 Years Until Yesterday When It Started Killing Me.

    are you sure tinnitus is a thing about your brain being in fear and fight or flight mode? i think its more of an extreme annoyance thing: example: if i hear a car going "beep. beep. beep. beep" for hours on end, i wouldnt say im afraid of thesound but i would consider it extrememly annoying
  6. sol sober365

    I'm New Here. My Tinnitus Was Very Bearable for 3 Years Until Yesterday When It Started Killing Me.

    thank you all for the responses. all i want is to ba able to adjust to this the way i did when the volume wasnt as high. thats more important then having it go away cuz if it goes away before you adjust to it, then the second it coems back youre back to square one. i have another question: way...
  7. sol sober365

    I'm New Here. My Tinnitus Was Very Bearable for 3 Years Until Yesterday When It Started Killing Me.

    hi im new here. in january of 2012 i came down with tinnitus, which was TERRIBLE for 7 months. by august i got used to it and bothered me a lot less. in fact, for the last 10 years i can count on my hand how many times i had a bad day with tinnitus. very few. in fact, even when i heard the...
  8. sol sober365

    my tinnitus was very bareable for 3 years until yesterday when it started killing me. details below.

    hi im new here. in january of 2012 i came down with tinnitus, which was TERRIBLE for 7 months. by august i got used to it and bothered me a lot less. in fact, for the last 10 years i can count on my hand how many times i had a bad day with tinnitus. very few. in fact, even when i heard the...