Recent content by Sparkle92

  1. Sparkle92

    Off Balance Feeling Which Started After Getting the Flu

    Thanks for your input @Contrast, I appreciate it. Yeah maybe the flu just impacted my ears somehow since I do have hearing loss in my left ear. And you’re right, there should be a channel for vestibular issues, it seems like a common thing
  2. Sparkle92

    Off Balance Feeling Which Started After Getting the Flu

    Hi all! Just a quick question. I’ve had tinnitus for 3 years but I got the flu 12 days ago and for 10 of those days, when I walk I feel off balance and while sitting I just feel off sometimes too. It’s not vertigo like the room is spinning, but just a little dizziness I guess you can say...
  3. Sparkle92

    Ear Infection and Existing Tinnitus

    Sorry to hear you have an infection too @Carlyi ! I actually still have my infection and am now on different antibiotics along with prednisone and Flonase from my ENT. Since starting the new meds, my tinnitus has gone down, I’m hoping it stays that way. Hope you feel better!
  4. Sparkle92

    Ear Infection and Existing Tinnitus

    Thank you @GregCA i appreciate your response, I’ll just keep monitoring it
  5. Sparkle92

    Ear Infection and Existing Tinnitus

    Hi Everyone, I have had tinnitus for 2. years, I mostly got used to it but like everyone else I have my bad days too. Currently I am suffering from a middle ear infection with muffled hearing and severe pain. My doctor gave me ibuprofen to take and amoxicillin. I just started these meds but...
  6. Sparkle92

    Ear Pain and Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Hi everyone, I’ve had tinnitus for 2 years. 4 days ago I got sick with painful swallowing, mild ear ache, fever that lasted 3 days and body aches. Today I woke up with bad neck and left ear pain with Pulsatile tinnitus. Could this be an infection causing the Pulsatile tinnitus? I’m scared...
  7. Sparkle92

    Skipped a Period Using the Pill and Now My Tinnitus Is Spiking!

    @glynis I'm also anemic and keep getting anemic for that reason too. Thanks for the info, maybe birth control works for some and not others regarding tinnitus.
  8. Sparkle92

    Skipped a Period Using the Pill and Now My Tinnitus Is Spiking!

    @glynis I know this thread is old but I was wondering if you know if taking a daily birth control pill can lessen spikes around my period? Every month I get major spikes before and a little after my period and it's very hard to deal with. I wondered if maybe taking birth control would help or...
  9. Sparkle92

    Need Advice with Wedding Stress

    Thank you everyone!! It means a lot. I did some deep breathing and meditation to calm myself. Thanks for the warm wishes!! And congratulations @Ed209!! It was a beautiful day and couldn't have been better. My tinnitus calmed down a bit but is now back to high, I just have to accept it...
  10. Sparkle92

    Need Advice with Wedding Stress

    Hi Everyone, Tomorrow I am getting married and the last two days I've been very anxious with my tinnitus being the loudest it's ever been. I don't know what to do to calm myself down. It's high pitched and I hear it over everything, I am also shaky because of nerves, I've dealt with anxiety the...
  11. Sparkle92

    Got Captured in Hospital

    Wishing you a speedy recovery Glynis!! Will be praying for you!
  12. Sparkle92

    Getting Married with Tinnitus?!

    Thanks @Honey_Bee!! And congratulations to you too!! :) My date is the 7th so it's coming up quick now! That's cool you had your bachelorette party lol. That is encouraging about the therapist. I just started going so I will keep at it. It makes sense that anxiety and worry will pass if you...
  13. Sparkle92

    Hormones Changing My Tinnitus

    My T definitely spikes a coule days before, during and after my menstrual, it's so loud it can't be masked while other days it's low and doesn't bother me. I feel like hormones play a role. Maybe there are tests or natural ways through diet and daily exercise to regulate hormones so this doesn't...
  14. Sparkle92

    Getting Married with Tinnitus?!

    Hi @Honey_Bee that is such an encouraging post!! Your situation is actually very similar to mine. I am 26 and getting married this October as well. I developed constant tinnitus in March from a bad virus and a very stressful time. It has been six months and I'm hoping to habituate as well...
  15. Sparkle92

    Need Encouragement (Does This Get Better? Do People Habituate to Loud Tinnitus?)

    I have high frequency hearing loss. I had tinnitus for 5 months and it's only getting worse. I am stressed out from planning a wedding and buying a house/moving and other things. This new T tone today is ultra high pitched and is louder than everything. I don't know how to cope with this. Does...