Recent content by Steve G

  1. Steve G

    Very Vibratory Land Cruiser 4-Wheel Drive Followed by Louder Tinnitus

    I believe even with plugs in the noise of a diesel engines, mowers and many other motorised devises can still penetrate your ears. My son has a Toyota Hilux diesel 4x4 and I won't go in it, I hate it even idling in the driveway the noise of the diesel engine makes my tinnitus so much worse...
  2. Steve G

    Beware of Your Ear Being Slapped...

    Believe me the slap to my left ear has taken a good chunk of my life from me. All that air that is forced in with the slap as well as the noise and the negative effect of the hand being removed from the ear all in quick succession is explosive. The slap to my ear has almost destroyed my life...
  3. Steve G

    How Long Did It Take For You To Habituate to Tinnitus?

    Habituation, if that is what it is called. My tinnitus is reactive to different noises and events that I will never be able to control so I never fully get into a comfort zone as it is always changing. After nearly four years of constant high frequency head and ear noise, I accept I have...
  4. Steve G

    Can Tinnitus Spread Into the "Good" Ear Too?

    Yes mine has. Although not as bad as my left ear at this stage. My tinnitus is in my head and ears so it is all over the place. Some days worse than others. Doesn't matter what I do to protect myself, tinnitus always wins.
  5. Steve G

    Cough Medicine (Decongestant) Reduces My Tinnitus

    Forgot to mention, I am also taking 2 x 500 mg paracetamol at the same time. It definitely has an effect on my tinnitus not that I can take it forever but it may just assist with spikes.
  6. Steve G

    Cough Medicine (Decongestant) Reduces My Tinnitus

    Thanks, It great why it lasts. It wears off after about 4 hours and then the usual squealing starts returning as it is now. Time for another dose.
  7. Steve G

    Cough Medicine (Decongestant) Reduces My Tinnitus

    Thanks for the reply. Benadryl PE, for Chesty Cough & Nasal Congestion. Each 5 mL of Oral Liquid Contains: Guaiphenesin 100 mg, Phenylephrine Hydrochloride 5 mg. This product also contains Benzoates, Saccharin, Sorbitol (21 g/60 mL). Chesty Cough & Nasal Congestion Medicine
  8. Steve G

    Cough Medicine (Decongestant) Reduces My Tinnitus

    Hi , I have had a bad chest infection and cough over the last few days and have been taking a cough medicine - decongestant every 6 hours. I have noticed that my tinnitus is definitely reduced from its normal high pitched squeal to a low level humming in my left ear only. Has anybody got any...
  9. Steve G

    In Loving Memory of Allan1967

    So very sad. Rest in peace, my condolences to Allan's family and friends.
  10. Steve G

    Announcement Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020!

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone. Let's hope 2020 draws us closer to a cure or some type of relief. A big thank you to the staff at Tinnitus Talk, without you we would be suffering without a voice in the medical and research community. Best wishes, Steve
  11. Steve G

    The Dentist

    Ultrasonic dental cleaning almost destroyed me, the lady contacted my rear upper molars on three occasions sending high noise and vibration straight to my head, the spike was not instant, I woke about 3am in the morning with high pitched dental drill noise in my head. I was a wreck, four...
  12. Steve G

    Feeling Great After 15 Clinical Low-Level Laser Treatments (LLLT)!

    Hi Scotty, really happy to hear you are having success with the treatment. I hope you can get rid of this dreaded condition for good.
  13. Steve G

    How to Protect Against Dentist Sounds?

    I think the biggest problem was the duration of the clean, 30- 40 minutes, and the fact that the hygienist contacted my rear upper molars numerous times. I had to stop her on every occasion as the noise and vibration were extreme. That noise and vibration transfer directly into the cochlear...
  14. Steve G

    How to Protect Against Dentist Sounds?

    Be very wary of ultrasonic dental cleaning. Some people with tinnitus have no issues others such as myself have had major issues. I am now suffering increased levels of high frequency dental drill noise in my brain. Never will I ever let a Ultrasonic Dental Cleaning devise near me again...
  15. Steve G

    Do We Have Tinnitus in Our Sleep?

    Hi PeteJ, I have been following some of your posts. I feel very sorry for you and hope you find some peace soon. Tinnitus and hyperacusis are terrible conditions, I too suffer very badly from mine as well.