Recent content by Stoic turmoil

  1. Stoic turmoil

    My Pain Hyperacusis and PTSD Testimony — Asking for Some Words of Encouragement to Carry On

    Bonjour Pierre, Honestly, I don't know where to draw the line between loudness hyperacusis and pain hyperacusis. After my initial incident, noises in places like restaurants, walking on the street, or even singing birds seemed far too loud for me. If something is too loud, it hurts. Your body...
  2. Stoic turmoil

    My Pain Hyperacusis and PTSD Testimony — Asking for Some Words of Encouragement to Carry On

    Bonjour Pierre, It's truly heartbreaking to read your story, and I’m so sorry that you have to go through this. I can relate to your feelings. The worst trauma comes from those who should support us. It’s the ultimate betrayal and incredibly painful. I grew up in a very violent home and have...
  3. Stoic turmoil

    Hyperacusis and Tinnitus Following Acoustic Shock: How Can I Continue My Life?

    I'm sorry you're going through this. I'm currently 15 months into dealing with this condition, and I hope some of my experiences might help you. As strange as it may sound, try to be grateful that it's not worse. This mindset helped me, even though I experienced hyperacusis, dysacusis, hearing...
  4. Stoic turmoil

    How to Stop the Progression of Mild Hyperacusis?

    It is not possible to give general advice as we are all different, but I can share what has worked for me and what has not. A three-week period of resting your ears is a good idea; I have also benefited from that. Besides that, it is crucial to protect yourself from loud sounds. I had two major...
  5. Stoic turmoil

    Hearing Loss and Tinnitus After Listening to Loud Music with In-Ear Headphones

    Yes, the hearing loss is permanent, unfortunately. I have a hearing loss of 50 dB at 6 and 8 kHz in both ears. Despite that, the distorted hearing gradually went away. It took nine months the first time. After that, I could hear quiet sounds again, like coffee dripping out of the coffee machine...
  6. Stoic turmoil

    Hearing Loss and Tinnitus After Listening to Loud Music with In-Ear Headphones

    Hi, I am sorry that you have to go through this. I had the same kind of distorted hearing as you describe. I called it "black-and-white hearing" or "hearing in 2D." I also experienced that everything seemed more silent than before. That improved over time, and strangely, I had massive...
  7. Stoic turmoil

    Acoustic Trauma — Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Dysacusis, Hearing Loss

    Hi @Jupiterman, You might be right. I heard that in different YouTube videos and from a German ENT and tinnitus expert on YouTube as well, that steroids have sometimes just a one day effect. Maybe I took them too late, who knows. But I remember that I completely freaked out when the tinnitus...
  8. Stoic turmoil

    Acoustic Trauma — Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Dysacusis, Hearing Loss

    Dear members, I am a 49-year-old male from Austria. First of all, I would like to say that I appreciate your stories. Part of this horror is that nobody understands what we are going through. Even though I wish that this would not have happened to any of you, I find some relief in not being...