Recent content by stopthehissing

  1. S

    Meniere's Disease

    I've had so many drs in my life because of the health organisation that I belong couldn't seem to keep doctors so my latest one doesn't have access to all my health info. Does this sound like MD to you? I'm 61 now but in my late 30's or so my ear or sometimes both would get completely full...
  2. S

    Should I Go Back to the ENT? Hearing Aids, Hyperacusis, Tinnitus. Where Do I Start?

    I'm not one to pay much attention to what's going on with my body unless there's pain involved which I don't have with these issues. All I knew was that I had trouble hearing people over the sound of the constant hissing in my ears and mentioned it to my GP because I couldn't hear what she...
  3. S

    Tinnitus, Hearing Loss and Hyperacusis

    Thanks for the welcomes. I'm in a better place this morning but I'm the only one up.. Lol so it's quiet. Yesterday when I joined I'd had a busy, stressful, incredibly frustrating day and talking to my husband doesn't help because he just minimizes it. "I've had crinkling in my ears too'.. or...
  4. S

    Tinnitus, Hearing Loss and Hyperacusis

    Life is fun. No, not really. You'd think all those symptoms would somehow cancel each other out, but they don't. There are days where I just want to sit in a closet with the door shut and block out all sound but I know I can't escape the constant, soul draining hissing sound in my ears...