Recent content by thorrior

  1. T

    Flying & Tinnitus

    Good to know. I won't use them again.
  2. T

    Flying & Tinnitus

    Thanks! I actually did wear them when the plane started descending but did not have any pain at all. I also never had problem, equalising pressure when flying anyway. So I guess if my eardrums got damaged, I would notice it right?
  3. T

    Flying & Tinnitus

    Very interesting thread, which I probably should've read before flying. I flew about 11 hours yesterday, from Germany to the US and my T is spiking right now. I sat at the window pretty much right beside the engines. I thought it was pretty loud. Take off and landing were fine, but the noise...
  4. T

    Accidentally Turned Up Headphones to Maximum

    Sucks to hear. I also had a setback at work today. I took out something from a closet and I accidentally pulled out the plate. It fell on the closet's floor and the sound was extremely loud. My ears were ringing really bad and I couldn't hear anything a few seconds after. Seems like stupid stuff...
  5. T

    Accidentally Turned Up Headphones to Maximum

    Yeah, I am trying to do that too and keep listening to music on headphones to a minimum. But if I'm on a train, it's the only option to listen to music. And I really don't wanna give that up. I'm also really careful about my ears all the time, so accidents like this are even more annoying.
  6. T

    Accidentally Turned Up Headphones to Maximum

    Yeah it does. It's just a regular iPod touch (USA model). I must have unlocked it accidentally when I grabbed something from my pocket I guess. The European iPods are limited to 100 dB as far as I know. The US ones don't have any volume limit , so 120 dB can be reached pretty easily I think, not...
  7. T

    Accidentally Turned Up Headphones to Maximum

    I know. I usually do adjust the maximum volume, but when I hook up the iPod to the car via USB, it somehow always goes back to max volume and I forgot to change it back. I'm always checking it now though. I learned my lesson.
  8. T


    Hello, I'm new to the forum and it helped my quite a lot so far. I'm 21 years old and have had a mild tinnitus for a few years. I've been playing drums for about 12 years and guitar for about five. Therefore it's no secret, where the ringing is coming from. I used to think earplugs aren't cool...
  9. T

    Accidentally Turned Up Headphones to Maximum

    Last week, I accidentally cranked up my iPod's volume to max when I wanted to grab something from my pocket. I was exposed to the extremely loud noise for about 2-3 seconds before I could take the earbuds out. My tinnitus, which I've had for a few years now, caused by loud drums, has gotten...