Recent content by Tiles

  1. Tiles

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    You don’t actually subtract your positive controls from the positive treatment group though. If placebo results in 50% of your subjects being cured, but your treatment cures everyone, you don’t say that your treatment is only 50% effective.
  2. Tiles

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Another factor is the level of incidental support that’s available to the manufacturer. In the 70s, businesses still used manual typewriters and carbon paper. Today we carry around supercomputers and can order from job shops all over the world. No doubt the secret sauce in the Michigan...
  3. Tiles

    Is magnesium still helping? I’ve been taking a 50mg zinc (400% rda) & 400mg of magnesium (100%...

    Is magnesium still helping? I’ve been taking a 50mg zinc (400% rda) & 400mg of magnesium (100% rda) in equal parts glycinate, bisglycinate and threonate with little frozen cubes of ginger I bought at the grocery store. But I ran out of ginger a couple days ago and I don’t think the mg’s...
  4. Tiles

    People with New/Mild Tinnitus: You Are NOT Doomed to Be Like the Severe Cases Here!

    Mine was from noise in February, it didn’t get bothersome until March, and severe in April. It calmed down in May. Barring a miracle (or miraculous treatment breakthrough), I expect it to come and go for as long as I’m alive. Something I’ll die with but not from.
  5. Tiles

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I concur. I see posts along the lines of “You’re a bunch of whiny whiners, there’s nothing you can do, so just don’t let it bother you.” But since mine started a few months ago, it’s gone from a 6 (as loud as great-grandpa watching Bonanza on TV and I went to Urgent Care) to an 8 (I woke up...
  6. Tiles

    Electrical Stimulation of the Cochlea for Treatment of Chronic Disabling Tinnitus

    Good point. One approach can’t address every cause or form of it. Similarly, when I read posts saying “there is no cure, nothing works” I think “...except for everyone who’s cured.”
  7. Tiles

    A Survey on Self-Management and Empowerment of Tinnitus Talk Users

    I sure don’t know enough to dispute an open-source source, but Wikipedia says allopregnanolone is made from pregnenolone (which certainly isn’t the same thing.) See the first line of the “Molecular Interactions” section: → Wikipedia: Allopregnanolone Farther down it says: In addition to oral...
  8. Tiles

    A Survey on Self-Management and Empowerment of Tinnitus Talk Users

    Done. Didn’t quite take 20 minutes.
  9. Tiles

    Hearing Loss and Severe Tinnitus — From Loving Life to Suicidal in 2 Months

    Thanks for that. My dad developed severe tinnitus from WW2, but he had a real good reason for incurring dire consequences from stopping Hitler. So when I got it from being around a tile saw a few weeks before, I thought “what a waste!” Truth is, I knew my dad’s took years to develop, so I...