
Struck by car, drunk driver who left the scene and left me in the road with a fractured skull and cheekbone. Usually that is the end of the story when drunk drivers hit pedestrians then flee however this time our hero returned to the scene as the EMTs were working on me and was arrested by troopers for failing field sobriety tests. His BAC was .19. I was in a coma for a month and spent a total of five months in the hospital. I was hit by the car the day after Valentines day and released from the hospital July 3rd.
I have had constant noise in my ears since the day I awoke from the coma, also double vision. It could be worse, I could easily have been killed.

Member statistics

Buffalo, New York
Tinnitus Since
March 2019
Cause of Tinnitus
Struck by car (drunk driver) fractured skull.



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