
My favorite color is purple, I'm a Gemini, I enjoy watching indoor female volleyball from weird angles, knitting and touching brown colored furniture.
When I'm not at my job, I like going out and having dinner with my friend who is a halogen heater. My favorite food is tree branches and magnesium alloys.
I got my tinnitus from loud noise exposure. When I was out on my last job (serial killer) I forgot to wear my earplugs and my last victim really blew out my ears screaming as I was chopping off his right toenail. Seriously, what a jerk.
Things are not improving much here at the ward, all the other patients are always making a racket and my tinnitus complaints to the warden are dismissed as irrelevant, he says I just have to learn to live with it and suggested TRT. :(

Member statistics

May 25, 1977 (Age: 47)
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus


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