Recent content by vanderlae

  1. vanderlae

    Ear Infection Tinnitus

    His probably got better why he doesn't come on anymore. I have a simular problem and I do believe it will go away. The best thing to do for me is to just hope and live every day normally until it goes away or not
  2. vanderlae

    Tinnitus (Low Hum) That Alternates with Ear Fullness

    Sorry to hear, but try to think what caused it. The brain will forget about it. Idk it's something I hear, it is helping me
  3. vanderlae

    Ear Infection Causing Tinnitus?

    Hey, I hope you're okay now. Just try not to be super stressed about it. I got "Tinnitus" almost 5 days ago and I haven't been stressed and I can definetly hear a change
  4. vanderlae

    Hi... Tinnitus for a Week

    Mines going away in almost a week, I can barley hear it. Usually when I turned my tv I can hear it loud. But right now can barley hear it
  5. vanderlae

    Hi... Tinnitus for a Week

    How long did it take to go away?
  6. vanderlae

    School and Tinnitus

    I'm scared my tinnitus might affect me in school, Because people are mostly quiet but I am living with it and I'm only in seventh grade, better get used to it
  7. vanderlae

    How Long Does It Take to Get Over an Ear Infection That Caused Tinnitus?

    Idk how I got mine I had an ear infection plugged and ear pain, I took my pills and on wednseday in the morning, It has been ringing and tickling but Idk I will have to go back to the doctor
  8. vanderlae

    Hello All. Recently Diagnosed with Tinnitus.

    I think mine may be wax, It's making my ear itchy inside but I have no idea
  9. vanderlae

    How Long Does It Take to Get Over an Ear Infection That Caused Tinnitus?

    Oh btw can amoxcillin cause it?
  10. vanderlae

    How Long Does It Take to Get Over an Ear Infection That Caused Tinnitus?

    I hope mine gets better, I feel it in one ear, And it's very faded I barley notice it although I hope it goes away I don't want that stupid ringing in there for all my life