Recent content by Vezzy

  1. V

    Sound Annoyance and Worse Tinnitus After Out in a Loud Venue (Measured at 97 dB) for One Hour

    @star-affinity, I'm very sorry to hear this. I wanted to know how your ear fullness and pressure are now?
  2. V

    Favourite Video Games?

    A big lover of the Resident Evil franchise too. I don’t like the reviews on RE3 remake though. That’s actually my favorite, I love the original to bits.
  3. V

    I Want to Become a Musician... Should I Not Because of Having Tinnitus and Minor Hyperacusis?

    Thank you for your kind words. I’ll do what I have to do to make sure all goes well. Wishing you all the best. Thank you very much for taking your time to reply me. I’ll definitely take notice of your directions and and seek help. I’m supposed to go to the ENT sometime this week or next to get...
  4. V

    I Want to Become a Musician... Should I Not Because of Having Tinnitus and Minor Hyperacusis?

    I’ve been following your posts and find them very informative. I’m a musician with unilateral tinnitus in my left ear. Some days it goes very quiet and others it really flares up. Since the onset, I’ve stopped using headphones or earphones of any kind. I think I have also lost some hearing in...
  5. V

    I Want to Become a Musician... Should I Not Because of Having Tinnitus and Minor Hyperacusis?

    Don’t get me wrong but I find it very counterproductive when you say one should be wary of loud sound but at the same time enjoy life and not let anything stop him/her.
  6. V

    Chronic Ear Infections After Tinnitus Onset

    Going through the same. How are you feeling now Robert?