Recent content by Vicky17

  1. Vicky17

    Full Ears Go Away If I Touch My Face

    I think touching my face and ears is half the problem as I tend to touch them to stop the pulsing. This is obviously exacerbating the nerves . I need to learn to leave them alone. Perhaps I’ll just tie my hands behind my back . I’ve been taking turmeric, magnesium and B12. I’ve only just...
  2. Vicky17

    Full Ears Go Away If I Touch My Face

    Great news that you had 4 days of relief! I’m sure you’ll get there again. I too think my recurrence has been down to bad posture again. I’m doing a sewing job at the moment for a corporate company and I think it’s the head forward posture that has made my ears feel full and sensitive again...
  3. Vicky17

    Full Ears Go Away If I Touch My Face

    Thank you for coming back to me so quickly. You have no idea how much hearing your good advice is calming :). I agree wholeheartedly about the nerve fibres. The fact that the right side of my face feels slightly numb would corroborate this too I'm guessing? I think I get panicked sometimes...
  4. Vicky17

    Full Ears Go Away If I Touch My Face

    Hi @Greg Sacramento. How are you doing? I don't know if you recall me telling you about my C2 tenderness and C5/C6 bulging disk issues a few weeks ago? Things have gradually gotten better and the pulsatile tinnitus (if that's what I have as it's a feeling and not a sound) has decreased a fair...
  5. Vicky17

    My Story Briefly (Convinced My Tinnitus Would Go Away If I Could Stop Grinding My Teeth)

    I’m interested in this too Dave. I don’t grind my teeth but I do clench them in the daytime due to stress. Thanks :) x
  6. Vicky17

    Pulsating, Tension, and "Numbness" on the Right Side of My Face

    Hi Sen, This is exactly what I’ve been experiencing. Doctors have been telling me I’m suffering from anxiety. Seeing an ENT on Tuesday next week. How are you doing now? X
  7. Vicky17

    Pulsating Fullness

    I have pulsating fullness too in both ears although much worse in the right. I also suffer from the same closed space feeling you get too. Sometimes i can hear my voice and breathing inside my head too which is just hideous. Have you had any tests done? Any ideas as to the cause of your...
  8. Vicky17

    Is It Pulsatile Tinnitus If It's a Feeling and Not a Sound?

    I’m still wondering if what I have is actually pulsatile tinnitus as most people describe it as a sound. Mine is just a throbbing and full feeling. Any thoughts? x
  9. Vicky17

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Caused by Cyst Picked Up by Airport Scanner?

    Have you considered seeing an osteopath. I had tingling arms, pulsatile tinnitus, ear ache and I’ve struggled with wind in my ears like someone is holding them open. Generally I feel crap but think much of that is down to anxiety too. I have seen an osteopath who thinks my problems are all down...
  10. Vicky17

    Slowly Losing the Will with This...

    Yes, I was given the all clear so not worried about that now. I purely mentioned it to explain about how anxious I'd been and to find out whether anxiety had an effect on PT.
  11. Vicky17

    Slowly Losing the Will with This...

    Hi Greg. Thank you so much for your advice of which I agree with all of it. I too have felt that the PT is due to the C5/C6 issue and as I have been having less and less nerve pain over the last week or so I'm expecting that the PT will diminish. The neck MRI didn't show any bone spurs. Do...
  12. Vicky17

    Slowly Losing the Will with This...

    Hello everyone. Newbie here with first post. Warning - it's going to be a long one. Some of this may not be at all relevant to my ears but I figured I'd give a history. I’m 47 and until March this year, had kept myself reasonably fit. I had been running 3 times a week and regularly lift...