Recent content by Voirrey

  1. V

    Hello everyone

    I have visited this site quite a few times but have never introduce myself. I first got tinnitus 7 years ago,i am almost certain it was caused by the anti inflammatory tablets Diclofenic,i was prescribed them for a painful shoulder,the high pitched ringing in my ear started after taking them for...
  2. V

    Hearing Aids

    I can only speak from my own experience,i was told i had age related hearing loss and was borderline for needing hearing aids,had them for 2 weeeks now and they are really good no tinnitus at all when wearing them,wish i had got them sooner.
  3. V

    Macular Hole

    A few years ago i awoke one morning and everything looked distorted through my right eye,looking through both eyes everything looked normal,apparently the good eye takes over. The doctor referred me to the eye clinic at the hospital and told me that while waiting for my appointment with the...
  4. V

    Howdy all

    I only take them out for bed as i sleep on my side and they are a bit uncomfortable to lie on.
  5. V

    Howdy all

    I have heard of accoustic neuroma,when i first got tinnitus i went to see my doctor he wasn't very helpful more or less told me to learn to live with it,as my father also used to suffer from tinnitus i just assumed it was hereditry and just put up with it. I went for a hearing test a month ago...
  6. V

    Howdy all

    I have tinnitus in my left ear for about 7 years,also a slight hearing loss in that ear,i have only had my hearing aids for 2 weeks,they are amazing when wearing them i dont hear the tinnitus at all. They are very small and just sit behind the with a piece of clear plastic tubing which goes into...
  7. V

    Long-Term Sufferer... But Fighting Back

    I have had a high pitched ringing in my left ear for 7 years,it started when i was prescibed the anti inflammatory diclofenic,even though i stopped taking it straight away the ringing never stopped. To be honest i have got used to it and most of the time i can forget about it. A few weeks ago i...
  8. V

    McKenzie Method for the Neck

    I have his book "Treat your own neck" and when i remember i do the exercises,i do find they help. I think bad posture makes my tinnitus worse,especially if i spend a lot of time on the computer,i have also bought a special memory foam pillow to support my neck,it does help me to get a good...
  9. V

    ETD and tinnitus and a question about touching ears.

    No my tinnitus is still the same,some days seem worse than others,i try not to focus on it,but i did notice that when i was on vacation recently i hardly noticed my tinnitus at all,maybe it was beacause i felt relaxed.
  10. V

    ETD and tinnitus and a question about touching ears.

    I have had tinnitus for 6 years,a high pitched ringing in my left ear,which i have got used to and it dosn't bother me,a few months ago i had ETD,and my doctor said i had fluid and i needed to pop my ears,which no matter how i tried i could not do. I looked at the ear popper device which was...