Recent content by WillBeNimble

  1. WillBeNimble

    Evidence of Cochlear Neural Degeneration in Normal-Hearing Subjects with Tinnitus

    I wish these tests were ready and sort of fast tracked. Mainly because this might actually help me the best.
  2. WillBeNimble

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Hearing loss can come from several places. The loss of the hair cells, the loss of connection between the nerves and the hair cell, as well as the loss of the nerve cells. Currently, there is no way to look at any of those directly except post mortem methods. So, we use audiograms to give us an...
  3. WillBeNimble

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    But what if that same person can't hear 14 kHz? Should we not test to catch that? Also, there's a general curve we can find for when people lose that hearing if we collect the data. This would make the above statement false, because we'd have a general idea of where you should be more...
  4. WillBeNimble

    Hoba Therapeutics' HB-097 for Sensorineural Hearing Loss

    Always happy to see more research, at least. And hey, maybe they'll both help?
  5. WillBeNimble

    Evidence of Cochlear Neural Degeneration in Normal-Hearing Subjects with Tinnitus

    Nothing says they can't try the neurotrophins this study mentions. Wouldn't it be something if they just have to replicate Spiral Therapeutics and Rinri Therapeutics' pathways to the ear, get some neurotrophins in there and that speeds up the painfully slow nerve repair.
  6. WillBeNimble

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I would say the really good thing is if the device does help people, an infrastructure will be built around it. You'll stop being told "Oh, there's nothing we can do." If you have mild to moderate tinnitus, you'll be recommended the device. As part of it, extended audiograms will become more...
  7. WillBeNimble

    I'm okay, hanging in there. Hope you have a good day.

    I'm okay, hanging in there. Hope you have a good day.
  8. WillBeNimble

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Yeah, you have to be able to hear your tone. This makes me sad, because I know I can't hear mine anymore in either ear. So, I'm going to get left behind.
  9. WillBeNimble

    Rugby Legend Ben Cohen's Tinnitus Is So Bad It Can Make His Eyes Water

    And hopefully Rinri Therapeutics will have gotten a good human trial or two in.
  10. WillBeNimble

    Rinri Therapeutics

    Yup, thank you @annV.
  11. WillBeNimble

    Rinri Therapeutics

    Can someone get the preclinical data? Restoration of auditory evoked responses by human ES-cell-derived otic progenitors.
  12. WillBeNimble

    Chit Chat and All That...

    I mean, it may take time, but with human ingenuity, I believe there could be a way back from it. Hell, we transplant people's hearts and livers, if we could just figure out how to make nerve regrowth faster, who's to say we couldn't grow a new cochlea and connect it, or get what remains to fix...
  13. WillBeNimble

    Hope you're doing well, man.

    Hope you're doing well, man.
  14. WillBeNimble

    Why Is There No Cure for Tinnitus?

    I mean, yeah, support professionals move in to try and help and cost some funding, but in perspective, ALS got $200 million in the year of 2022. Tinnitus research hasn't even reached that level total as far as I can see, and the ATA states that they have in "the last 35 years, we have...
  15. WillBeNimble

    Evidence of Cochlear Neural Degeneration in Normal-Hearing Subjects with Tinnitus

    So we would need both, a treatment for the brain, and this treatment to prevent it from getting to the brain?