Willem Vieleers

I have tinnitus for more then 30 years mostly in the right ear side. At the age of 27 I have had an aneurism at the left carotis interna. They were not able to operate this problem and decided to put a string around it. Luckily for me the bloodstream found quick enough new ways to feed the brain. So it looks that everything was okay. But at the age of 60 (2010) I sufferd from a aorta dissection. I survived all of this, that is clear, but then a new aneurism developed between the aorta valve and the aorta bend, All that time I sufferd tinnitus which I was able to give a place, In 2016 however they decide not to wait any longer and provide me with a biological aorta valve and a new piece of the aorta. Since then the tinnitus is in both sides and much stronger I also have serious hearing loss. So much I find it sometimes unbearable. I now also hear a very strong heart beat in the back of my head. I als have to mention two operations in both of the ears to remove a cholesteatoom.
I have several masking apps on my phone. And a recently tried the Reddit method. First there was some release but the second day the noise came back even stronger but more in the middle at the back of my head. I consider to try acupuncture now.

Member statistics

Almere the Netherlands
Tinnitus Since
30 years
Cause of Tinnitus