Recent content by Yaakov

  1. Yaakov


    Thank you teacher34 At 70 the when memory or coordination does slip a bit now & then, such talk as in their ad does get worrisome at times.
  2. Yaakov

    Hello, My Name's Angela, Got Tinnitus on My 49th Birthday

    Angela hello. Wow poor kid (I'm 31 years older than you so I permit myself to call you so Hope you don;t mind). You remind me of a baby I took care of several years ago. He was born with some severe defects. After an MRI he went totally deaf. A few months later a homeopath gave him a dose of...
  3. Yaakov

    New Here

    Hi there everybody. I'm new here. 70years old & have been suffering from this infernal squealing noise for decades. Was told by a specialist a few years ago that if it's for more than a month or so it's hopeless. I have had head injuries, don't know if there is a connection. Hopefully here...
  4. Yaakov


    I'm new here.Have been suffering from the squeaking squealing noises 24/7 for decades. Sometimes it changes pitch loudness or both. tension in neck muscle effects changes. Ambient noise makes it worse. I've been taking Mag for months & feel no change. May be need to try taking more. Today saw...