Recent content by Yugal Rai

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    Hi!! How are you doing?? How is your t? How’s your education? I know some days are really awful...

    Hi!! How are you doing?? How is your t? How’s your education? I know some days are really awful and it just breaks you down mentally, but we gotta try our best to not give up, Don’t lose hope yet. I pretty much given up on t going away as well. The more you think about it, the more stress and...
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    Tinnitus as a 14-Year-Old? How to Beat It?

    In my opinion earbuds are worse. Why don’t you use headphones instead of earbuds to watch YouTube and listen to Spotify. Don’t use earbuds for hours, give your ears a break and avoid going to loud places for now. Your tinnitus can go away if you take good care of your ears. If your tinnitus...
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    Studying with Tinnitus — Am I Ready for a PhD Degree? Can Tinnitus Distract from Studying?

    @zhiyuan, from my experience, I tend to forget about my tinnitus when I focus on my studies, as long as I'm not in a quiet room. I still find it very very difficult to concentrate but I make sure I have something running in the background to keep my tinnitus calm. It sucks soo much to lose the...
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    Poll: How Old Were You When You First Got Tinnitus?

    19 and I’m 19 right now.
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    My Posting Place

    Me rn
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    It holds nothing.

    It holds nothing.
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    Good luck with your exams! Don’t let T hold you back.

    Good luck with your exams! Don’t let T hold you back.
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    Got Tinnitus from ENT Earwax Removal — Advice Please

    @Jack Straw, how did the doctor mess it up? Can removing ear wax manually make tinnitus even worse and add pain to the mix? I was thinking to have my ear wax manually cleaned by the doctor but I’m scared now. I feel like he will mess up my ears as well.
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    Are There Any Gyms Where They Don't Play Music? Or Private Little Gyms?

    Scheisse!! Now that I think about it I don’t think ear plugs will be enough to protect my ears from people smashing plates on the ground or letting their weights go. It makes such a loud sound even when the gym is packed and noisy. Imagine at night damn. My question to fitness lovers, do you...
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    Are There Any Gyms Where They Don't Play Music? Or Private Little Gyms?

    I feel you!! Home workout doesn’t feel the same as working out at gym. I don’t have the same motivation or energy to work out at home and doing all the muscle groups with a dumbbell is horrible. I was thinking to start going to gym again (excited :p) but ONLY at midnight because the gym I go to...
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    ♡♡♡♡♡♡!!! >◡<

    ♡♡♡♡♡♡!!! >◡<
  13. Y

    Positive Changes in Your Life Due to Tinnitus?

    @HanaK, I can 100% relate with this. I saw your threads about earwax build up and syringing earlier. Did syringing really cause your hearing loss and tinnitus? I get a lot of earwax as well and I used to use Q-Tips. Do you manually take earwax out now? Does it affect your tinnitus or not? Also...
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    Any Online Game Players?

    @coffee_girl, Glad to know that I’m not the only Asian out here with tinnitus. T_T Oooooo Rainbow Six Siege, are you a competitive player or a just casual gamer. Siege got bunch of tryhards, nolife people, and when I play with randoms, I’m like zzzzzzz
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    Any Online Game Players?

    @dellwas, are you from Europe or North America? We can probably hook up together and do a heist together at GTA? EDIT- No, I play games on PC, not on console because they suck. :p