Posted in: Treatment

Can Sound Silence Tinnitus?

Maybe you heard of sound therapy devices like Neuromonics, Desyncra, and SoundCure? Or more recently, Lenire? Hazel talks to Steve Harrison, a musician and audiophile who has suffered from severe tinnitus for decades. Steve knows all about the use of sound for tinnitus relief.

Posted in: Treatment

The Man Who Donated a Million Dollars to Tinnitus Research

Meet the man who donated a million dollars to tinnitus research. Brian Fargo is a successful video game developer who tried out every possible treatment for his tinnitus before deciding he needed to be part of the solution.

Posted in: Treatment

Neuromod’s Lenire — Treating Tinnitus the Bimodal Way

Learn all you’ve wanted to know about the newest tinnitus treatment on the market! Many of you have been waiting to hear more about Lenire, the tinnitus treatment device launched by Neuromod Devices. Well, this is your chance, tune in and listen to our interview with Neuromod’s CEO.