Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Hi Marius, I'm really sorry to hear that. How did you get the music exposure? I was listening to a symphony over and over again for a few hours, it had a real high pitch in the closing coda and ever since then I've had it. Its gotten worse since going to spin classes at the gym with loud music.
Worth noting people say that if it is early onset it goes away. Also you might consider getting an oral steroid from a GP as it can help in early stages. I've just got one today and even though it might not help I feel better knowing that I'm trying something....
Marius T
I got my tinnitus 2 days after a techno music festival (the music was loud, but nothing to do with all the other concerts i've been to. I've seen my gp but he prescribed me an useless treatment, but i've been taking a good treatment 4 days later and I think I can notice a decrease of my tinnitus since 4 days.
Marius T
I've been taking cortisone for 2 weeks now with Tankakan, vitamins, magnesium, and I'm now taking proteochoc. Also I'm going to see a good ENT doctor in 10 days (I'l going to talk with him about AM 101, luckily my gp told me he might know a lot about that).
so for the am trial we'd both be eligible because we've got T caused by what they call 'acoustic trauma'
Marius T
Yes I think we're very lucky to get in those trials. However i'm not completely sure I can do the trials since i'm not 18, but i've been told here that the trials also take teens over 16. I sincerely hope the best for you !