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  • You can learn not to hear the ringing in your ears at all. I went from stage 3 to silence. Although formally the noise remained the same. I just don't notice it. Coming soon in "Success Stories"
    Comrades, can anyone share the book Tinnitus Retraining Therapy: Neurophysiological Model in PDF upload to a cloud storage. Thank.
    How are you feeling these days?
    Hello my friend. Worse than before. I sat down with one idiot taxi driver with very loud music in the back
    Bill Bauer
    Guys, Everything was going well, and I worked productively until I went to the bath with firing tubes. Now I'm in the ass with a hard spike.
    I'm pretty confused Ivan.. What are these "asses", "pipes", and "tubes" you have been referencing lately?
    @AZeurotuner Sorry for my English, I do not know how to say it more precisely. I mean a loud knock from steel water pipes. They knocked very loudly when I washed in the bath. Almost like a machine gun. Now I am in deep decline and soldering, I did not expect such a trap of fate.
    @AZeurotuner I have already begun to get used to tinnitus, and to lead a relatively productive, active life, listen to music, and so on. Suddenly, such a blow of fate from nowhere, where you are not expecting at all - I did not know that the water pipes could produce such loud knocks.
    I almost went crazy.
    Guys I almost accidentally got into a very deep ass - I went to the fucking bath, where pipes were fired as loudly as from a machine gun
    How to deal urgently with excitotoxicity? Vitamin C, E? NAC is not at my fingertips.
    Fed the hungry is not a friend -a saying. People who do not have tinnitus will always mock the sufferers in their souls and count them crazy
    My parents always did worse. Their manic hyper custody and the humiliation of my abilities led me to hell. I hate
    They do not understand how unpleasant their cries and knocks with iron objects can be. They can easily finish off my hope, holding on snot
    McGregor received $50M in 20 minutes. Prof Tzounopoulos does not have 1 million to make medicine for people. Capitalism.
    it's also because the tinnitus community is not self aware, they only listen to what their local ENT says and surf the intenret looking for miracle homeopathy BS and scams.
    In voting for the prize of $ 5000 won not Tzounopoulos; -People spend $ 20,000 on fraudulent stem cells, instead of donating to researchers.
    can you explain what happened, I wasn't following this?
    The question is not if we will regenerate hair cells in humans, but when. — HRP Scientific Director Peter Barr-Gillespie, Ph.D.
    If you live in the US and Europe and earn $ 3000, then making monthly donations of $ 100 for you should be a must and a trifling expense
    I want people to donate more the anything, but not more then they can afford. Nobody should leave themselves in debt.
    The question for me is where can I donate so that it is a good investment for research?
    I dont know if that is a global statement but normally when you donate you can put that into your annual billing for taxes :)
    It was like an explosion of firecrackers nearby. Old wooden door on the spring. He was wrong. And I wanted to fill his face.
    Today I was sitting in the bathhouse, waiting for a taxi. And some guy twice loudly slammed the door (he just let her go with a sweep).
    Today I fell asleep right next to the alarm on my smartphone. In fact, I lay my head on the phone.
    You know that is silly. But also, try selecting a tone that is gentler or download one that is.
    On my samsung galaxy 9+ I use 'Smooth Wave'. Very calm way to wake up.
    Now I'm maniacally asking myself just one question - Why did I go to this hairdresser again, if I knew that there was a loud trimmer?
    I hoped for Tzounopoulos. As early as 2014, he said that they are close to clinical trials. But already in 2018 and they are far from that
    Imagine that your tinnitus has disappeared, or decreased to 1. Perhaps this is an incomparable relief. It's like a second birth.
    I have an idea to turn to philanthropists, like Zuckenberg, so that they donate a little to some hearing researchers
    I know that the FDA will extort huge bribes from companies to combat tinnitus. This corporation, they do not care about people's lives
    I've always wondered about the FDA corporation.
    Hi Ivan. In a post from sept 2017 you mention having orgasm problems. I have tinnitus now for two years and have this identical problem unfortunately. Before I never had this problem, like you. Since then have you find a solution already?

    kind regards

    Yes my problem is too I ejaculate very quickly now. Also all my other muscles in my body cramp quickly. all because of tinnitus. Also with sports for example. I am going to try sex positions where my body is more relaxed. like on the bottom instead of on top.
    It depresses no less than the noise itself. I do not understand what kind of mechanism. Do you take any medications, such as antidepressants or tranquilizers? Do you have a permanent girlfriend?
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