Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Drone Draper
I've got this all the time now. So annoying. I wonder why I have this now, might get checked for wax again.
I get this too. Sometimes when the weather is colder it's worse.
Drone Draper
@Drone Draper dam, I'm scared of trying oxygen therapy now :/ I was thinking of trying face mask oxygen therapy.. idk of it'll make it any different than directly to my ears
My ears feel full all the time basically. Yes seems like when the weather changes like getting colder or rains they get worse.
Drone Draper
@Striveon - we 're wearing masks in the chamber. My fullness isn't so bad and I'm sure it'll go away once I'm done.
Mine were bad like that at one stage, but it has gotten a lot better. Do you feel your ET puff up and get a weird suction click as it subsides?
I can feel a weird like inflamed filling in my ears. How did yours get better? I've tried steroids, steroid nose sprays and it feels okay at first and the fullness comes right back.
I think my ears have just had it, I don't think there is any way they could get better. My Eustachian tubes I think won't be back to normal :(