Yes, I think suicide comes where you feel like you are no longer able to care for your loved ones feelings @Drone Draper. I feel like it is still slowly approaching to me but we'll see.
@Drone Draper you are absolutely on the right track. But I feel exhausted after fighting with it 2 years and seeing it getting worse. It doesn't mean it will be the case for everyone tho. I am in the minority.
Oh that 'man' was just a friendly way of calling me I guess since I am a female lol? Not that I am offended or anything, of course not, but I thought you thought my boyfriend on the picture was me instead hehe.
haha actually that guy is the one who stops me from committing suicide as I mentioned in this status ! Yes you are right, but even Polio was less complicated than tinnitus I think. Damn.
It is a hopeful sign! You have love in your life! I've had tinnitus for 7 years and those thoughts came to my mind. I quickly cancelled them out of my mind and focused on all the good around me despite tinnitus. The good was more. Hold on tight to that guy next to you. Help is on its way ok. You will not have those thoughts forever. I'll pray for you ok.
Personally I would never live only for others/not to hurt other. I think that is a very sad way to live. I believe one has to find other reasons to live......FOR YOURSELF. Your life is your own. Just my personal opinion
@TheDanishGirl seems like you never experienced what is called true love in your entire life. Also I believe choosing living just becuase you don't want to hurt your loved ones is not the equal of living for 'others'.
@TheDanishGirl I wasn't being defensive at all. Thank you for your opinion. I said that because being in an intense relationship with the same person more than 10 years, you feel like you are not yourself alone but you two are another being together. So you start to feel for them as well after a while.
Oh okay. I got it wrong then. But just seemed a little hurtful saying I have never felt real love. But you were spot on, cause I have nobody in my life that I love to an extend, where I would stop myself from suicide just so not to hurt them. I very much doubt that will ever change for me. I am not capable of deepfelt love as I was deprived of it in childhood.