By the way, I think a big part of the quietness could be that, I figured; I exposed myself to sounds, thát's why it's getting worse, I've become better last times I was like this, it's part of my training, so ignore the T. It's most probably that *ignoring* that was the most effective in my brain to actually stop producing the sound. Because I know a worsened version is on standby, and can come back any moment.
I felt good on friday too, started getting back in life, watched TV for 2 hours, very quietly, but in the evening the loud horn came back, while I was on the PC for 10 minutes! It´s so hard to understand whats going on... Since you are from Holland, did you experience the rave culture there? I spent years there, might have met.
Hey, read your posts this morning - yeah, strange indeed, and difficult to predict. I keep looking for causes and effect, in order to better understand what to do, and what not. And no, haha, never been to the rave culture. I actually rarely go to concerts, only classical if I do, never go to clubs or festivals, only enjoy bars if you can understand each other.
@Bob den Hartog Yes, whenningot back home into silence I noticed the T started to get louder. Also it feels like my ears get filled with pressure when I allow myself to normal environments. It's like having a rubber ball inside my ear.
It can get extremely bad. I went to clubs and concerts for four years after inital onset of mild T and H, and I was fine. I got some increased T before going to bed, but that was all.