Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Bob den Hartog
It's both worse, and better, if that makes sense?
I had similar results few days ago. I exposed myself to normal life and my T felt better for hours. Unfortunately it was not permament.
Bob den Hartog
Did it deteriorate back to your baseline while out of normal life? Because, the key to success would be, get back in normal life, right?
Bob den Hartog
By the way, I think a big part of the quietness could be that, I figured; I exposed myself to sounds, thát's why it's getting worse, I've become better last times I was like this, it's part of my training, so ignore the T. It's most probably that *ignoring* that was the most effective in my brain to actually stop producing the sound. Because I know a worsened version is on standby, and can come back any moment.
I felt good on friday too, started getting back in life, watched TV for 2 hours, very quietly, but in the evening the loud horn came back, while I was on the PC for 10 minutes! It´s so hard to understand whats going on... Since you are from Holland, did you experience the rave culture there? I spent years there, might have met. :D
Bob den Hartog
Hey, read your posts this morning - yeah, strange indeed, and difficult to predict. I keep looking for causes and effect, in order to better understand what to do, and what not. And no, haha, never been to the rave culture. I actually rarely go to concerts, only classical if I do, never go to clubs or festivals, only enjoy bars if you can understand each other.
What kind of noises did you expose yourself to?
@Bob den Hartog Yes, whenningot back home into silence I noticed the T started to get louder. Also it feels like my ears get filled with pressure when I allow myself to normal environments. It's like having a rubber ball inside my ear.
Bill Bauer
It can get extremely bad. I went to clubs and concerts for four years after inital onset of mild T and H, and I was fine. I got some increased T before going to bed, but that was all.

Until one day, it wasn't.