Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Drone Draper
Son, yes. The last few days I've regularly woken up to no T in my left ear and low T in my right. May your non-T days become regular, then the norm and eventually your reality.
Bob den Hartog
I really do not dare hope yet, hope has been squashed too many times by now... I'm savouring the low moments, and remind me of them once the louder parts commence. But yes, hopeful, and great news on your part!
Drone Draper
My audiologist said most people who improve tend to see improvements within 6 months to 24. I'm praying for us both, lol.
That is excellent news! I hope that would happen to me too. Volume has decreased but that bastard just keeps hanging on.
Amazing news! That feeling of silence is such a motivator, use it and stay positive!
you got this, man.