Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Bill Bauer
@MarkX , have you experienced Any fading (compared to two months ago)?
It has slightly. Before it was extremely loud like 9. But now it's like 6-7. But it's only in one ear and very somatic with neck movements and jaw. No hearing loss. It seems better in morning and gets worse as day goes by.
Bill Bauer
If it has faded, then there is no reason why it wouldn't continue to gradually fade. In a year or two you ought to be in a much better place. Also, if it changes as you move your jaw, it might be due to TMJ. Many people experience their T disappearing once they treat their TMJ (and TMJ can be treated).
Yeah it's weird. I didn't get it from noise exposure. Maybe stress bc was remodeling our kitchen. Went to dentist and said I don't have TMJ but I have bruxism (teeth grinding) and my muscle seems inflamed. My left side looks swollen which is side of ringing.
Is your somatic?
Bill Bauer
I can make it louder by moving my jaw forward. I think that most sufferers can do that.
Oh I can't. Only by opening my jaw wide and by over extending my neck left or right.
Has yours reduced?
Bill Bauer
I am not a superstitious person, but T is so important that I am concerned about jinxing it. So I prefer not to talk about its current state. But I will talk about the past. Mine has faded over the first three months, and then I had a second noise exposure (a loud phone) and that had undone all of that progress. That spike had lasted for over three months.
I understand. This is a crazy thing. I wish you well. Mine slightly reduced but I'm just scared. I have family a three year old and my wife is due in 2 weeks with another boy and I'm a mess. She suppose to be leaning on me and I can barely function. Im praying mine is temporary but I'm three months in. It's scary.