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  • Really anxious right now regarding COVID. Graduation has been postponed. Don't know what's going to happen when college is in session.
    Hi Natan, I want to ask. You still have dysacusis (whstling additional sound) or it subsided?
    I've never had a whistling sound above my tinnitus, but I've had a sharp distorted sound during a sudden sharp noise. It didn't go away 100%, but it did improve with time.
    My 30 year old science teacher, who was in marching band, said, "I have a type of hearing loss in background noise."
    Tinnitus is almost non-existent in my good ear.
    Nice! What have you been doing differently??
    I've taking a magnesium curcumin combo lately. Magnesium helps protect the ears, and curcumin has some anti-inflammatory properties.
    Family made me attend fireworks show for 30 minutes, wore double protection, took extra magnesium plus curcumin.
    I'm actually 17 going on 18, and my family does understand what I'm going through, however, they don't know more of the "subtle" things about Tinnitus and hearing loss.
    Bill Bauer
    You could have educated them...
    New Guy
    I'm glad you have the support of your family. I hope you can find a way to explain things to your parents without offending them. It's so hard to say no without offending others but sometimes we must.
    Yah Nathan, they suck. Iam sorry brother, your young and it tears me up to know my younger brothers and sisters are suffering. My prayers and hopes for quieter and more beautiful days are with you. Daniel
    All of you that are going to Indianapolis 500 events, wear earplugs or you could get tinnitus/hearing damage.
    I wish I could see Indianapolis 500 one day...
    Is a calcium-magnesium supplement still effective as normal magnesium?
    I don't think so. Try to get Magnesium (Bis)Glycinate or Magnesium L-Threonate.
    A kid that read my noise pollution article still blasts his music smh.
    That's what we call a dumb ass in my native tongue.
    it really do be like sometimes
    Writing a paper on noise pollution, wish me luck.
    Yo, good luck Nathan. You'll do well.
    One of my assignment topic consist of Regulations and legislation so I might do something about noise pollution regulations and say ''if you don't consider noise pollution, you fucks gonna be disabled kid like me cause of tinnitus''. I might actually do it. yolo.
    Very nice and much needed. thank you for this and good luck!
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