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  • Hello Calin!
    I saw your post about the electrical device youre using for tinnitus and was wondering if theres any update?
    Hello calin, I am a teenager with t. Would love to join your page and hopefully I'll be able to focus on the positives. Thank you
    i am taking gingko and st johns wort not doing much good will be having tests in two weeks however after reading some of the posts i dont see it doing any good keep busy seems to be the answer however i enjoy silence and dont want to continually e having to do something to take my mind off it it doesnt work anyway jennifer
    Jennifer, yes, you may want to move on with other supplements. Keep trying out different ones and see what helps. I understand about the silence. Before T, silence was taken for granted! ;) For right now though, try not to look for silence.... just take your focus away from the sound.
    hi i have pulsatile tinitus for some six weeks will be undergoing tests shortly however dont see much coming out of is taking over my life and i cant sleep jennifer
    Are you taking any supplements? On any medications? Have you gone to a doc and asked for something to calm you so you can sleep?
    Hi Calin, It was your posts that I first read when coming to this forum. I've read some of them on UST, yet never got to the end of the thread for it was late at night. You were into your 8th week when I decided to turn out the lights. Has it gotten better up to now? I feel as though I've known you far longer than 24 hours...Lol!
    I can't comment for more than a couple of words here - I will go to your new thread....
    Hi Calin, How did you get your tinnitus, was it noise? head injury? or something other?
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