My spike was caused by either the disgustingly big take away pizza I had; the topical skin cream I used; or the most likely culprit - a slight ear infection from open water swimming. The spike came the next day after the pizza, swimming and use of the cream. So yeah, could have been any one of those. It has now substantially subsided again. Luckily it has only taken a week and a half because it was driving me crazy.
@Bill Bauer It is not that it's getting higher in volume, it's like it has changed into a higher frequence, and also it became lower in volume (I've noticed it just this last week). I'm hearing my T more and more less. The tones has not changed to a hiss though, they are still very much there, but they have changed to a more beareable sound. It's a bit hard to explain.
Normally, as a high pitch tone gets quieter, you perceive it as lower pitch and eventually you begin to perceive it as a hiss. If it has been at that higher pitch for only a couple of days, I wouldn't worry about it. If there is a monthly trend for the pitch to get higher, then that's not good.
Compared how my T was a year ago it is reduced. Maybe I'll never get rid of it. Who knows. But I'm dealing better with T nowadays, and hopefully it will reduce some more.
@blackeyes Jag har pratat med andra användare här på TT, och de vittnar om att ett tunnare ljud är ett tecken på reducerad tinnitus, alltså en form av läkning. Varför fick du tinnitus, om du vet?
Hope that happens to you!