Key factor Sannush! If you can't accept it, your brain will process T as a constant threat and enemy. You do not want that in your life. A doctor I listened to once on a seminar (this doctor also had T) said that if you could make friends with your T, the brain will, in time, process your phantom sounds differently.
It is indeed! I think I have made friends with mine. No point arguing. Its just there. Not so much emotions attached to it anymore. 1 year and 6 monter later. Its intresting. Tinnitus is really interesting in that it can be so disabling and yet becomes truly nothing with habituation. Mine has made me stronger in some ways. How are you holding up?
True! They say "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". But in the case of tinnitus I believe it can't make you stronger unless you accept it. If T is not associated and fed with fear and negativity, it may become a "friend".
T and H in particular is unpredictable at times. It takes time, but the good days definetly outgoes the bad days for me. Hope you are all good, and keep going
That quote summon its up pretty well! then it have made me stronger indeed. I realize that It has always been nothing. Är du från Norge? Förstår du när man skriver på svenska ? Hehe. Ha det godt.