Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

I absolutely love dancing. I dance for hours on the spot (I'm a bit crazy) and music makes me feel euphoric! I was the girl who used to party sober, because I was just there for the music. And I like SO much music! Anything from 90s rave, to jazz, to all kinds of metal, rock, grunge, punk, hip hop, classical, country, 60s psychedelia
80s pop, trap, Ozzie folk, Britpop, dub, breakbeat, piano house, reggae - the list goes on and on.

Only music I don't really care for is RnB & rap. That bores me, & anything currently on the radio. My main love will always be metal though. I remember my partner laughing once, because he went through my YouTube history, and could see I'd listened to two hours of Elizabethan lute music, and castrati! Haha!