Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

thank you @Kriszti Oh no. Now I am scared and angry. 100 db should be managable, I hope?
@Hamsti If you don't experience any worsening, then you ought to be alright, but consider yourself lucky as there's been quite a few cases who worsened from an ART.
@Stacken77 thanks. If I experienced any worsening it schould be there yet?
I did some research. They say acute tinnitus and acute hearing loss is a contraindication. So hopefully I am one of the chronic lucky ones? @Stacken77 @Kriszti ?
@Hamsti In some cases it takes time for worsenings to take effect, bit in most cases they set in immediately I believe. It may be hard, but I'd try to not stress about it.
I'm with @Stacken77. If you don't experience any immediate pain, any worsening or clogged feeling, chances are that you will be fine. However, I would avoid loud tests in the future.
@Kriszti, yeah, if I had known what to expect, I would never have agreed to it.
I agree with the gang on this one. Just don't try to stress over it. And if you still feel a bit unsure about it, you can always pop some anti-inflammatory pills (NAC or whatever) just in case. That's always my plan A,B & C after an acoustic trauma/incident
I've got a new tone and my t is loud af. Can hear it in noisy restaurants. I hope this is just a spike, full of fear these days.
I'm so sorry to hear to hear that, dear Hamsti. How's your spike now? It's not easy, but it's important to remain calm, as stress can make tinnitus 10x worse. Maybe it's worth calling your GP for non-ototoxic anxiety meds on short terms basis? Also, and I sorry for playing that record over and over again: anti-inflammatory meds really help with new spikes.
If you still have pills like NAC,omega/fish oil, Curcumin,resveratrol, Taurine, Nicotinamide R. & chelated Magnesium over the counter, use it as quickly as possible. Intratympanic steroid injection comes with a few risks but it may also be worth a try. Please let us know how things are going.
I take Magnesium because its the only thing I got here (I am on vacation). I will be home on sunday and then I'll take NAC...
Ah, that's tough. Tinnitus, especially the kind induced by stress, often subsides if you stay calm and refocus on other things. I had a similar situation few days ago with a new tone, but the noisy bastard luckily crouched back to its cave after staying calm like some monk (and with some help of my anti-inflammatory friends as well). Surely the same thing can happen to you. Hope you'll find some rest on your vacay.
Did your spike from this test ever improve? Just wondering. I have bad T in my left ear from an Acoustic Reflex Test.
Hey @kingsfan not yet. but the, I call it stapedius reflex tone, is still fading, so I am hopeful that I'll fully recover from it.
@kingsfan it is really important to stay calm. Like @Christiaan said, react monk-like to every new behaviour of your T :D