Oct 31, 2020
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A town near you
Writer & Producer of Cleaver

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Member, Male, from A town near you

... and at only $100 I think they are the first thing a person new to tinnitus should get. Sep 15, 2024 at 5:53 PM

    1. kingsfan
      Day 7 without asthma inhaler. rough going
      1. Exit, ALS, Steph1710 and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. kingsfan
        My new health insurance doesn't start until next month, but it will be about the same cost as the inhaler anyway.
        Oct 11, 2021
      4. Steph1710
        @kingsfan What inhaler do you take? If it’s the same as mine, I’ll bloody post you one!
        Oct 12, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
      5. kingsfan
        Oct 12, 2021
    2. kingsfan
      Someone trying to tell me acoustic reflex test is only 70db
      1. martinberryhorse likes this.
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      3. Kriszti
        Oct 7, 2021
      4. Kriszti
        I got tested when I only had my on/off low hum, got other possible causes, but a week later my bilateral T started. It may have started earlier, but I could have been preoccupied with the low hum. I had never had high ringing before. Also, nothing of diagnostic value was shared with me about the ART. I wish I had never done it.
        Oct 7, 2021
        ALS likes this.
      5. kingsfan
        @Kriszti We are in the same boat then. My tinnitus was bad, but not too bad before the test. Wish I had never went. The test was all for nothing as well. I didn't know the results will show the decibel level. I may try and call for a copy of the results, though I'm not sure I could control my anger with them.
        Oct 8, 2021
    3. kingsfan
      Having a lot of fleeting increases in tinnitus today. What does it all mean?
      1. martinberryhorse and Wrfortiscue like this.
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      3. kingsfan
        @aura my ears have been taking turns clogging up too. Maybe it is the weather or allergies or something. I also need to try replacing all of my down bedding with synthetic.
        Oct 7, 2021
      4. aura
        I don't know, man...i've been doing just fine all my life and suddenly i'm allergic to bed sheets...maybe it's the age. After you turn 40 you become allergic to life.
        Oct 7, 2021
        Steph1710 likes this.
      5. kingsfan
        @aura starting the counter at 953 days then >_<
        Oct 7, 2021
        aura and Exit like this.
    4. kingsfan
      My one-year passed by on Friday without even realizing it.
    5. kingsfan
      NSAIDs seems to lessen my tinnitus.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Wrfortiscue
        Don’t they cause it? Maybe brain inflammation causing your T
        Sep 19, 2021
      3. Exit
        Probably when he’s not in pain his tinnitus feels less intrusive..?
        Sep 20, 2021
        Wrfortiscue and Steph1710 like this.
      4. kingsfan
        I dont know, but it's been nice despite other things not being so nice.
        Sep 20, 2021
        Exit likes this.
    6. kingsfan
      11 days until my 1-year tinnitus circus anniversary
      1. MBH, Wrfortiscue, Christiaan and 6 others like this.
      2. Wrfortiscue
        Silent party?
        Sep 6, 2021
        Exit likes this.
      3. kingsfan
        @Wrfortiscue Chilled cow is my new silence. Chilled cow and fan. Chilled cow, fan, and crickets is my new silence.
        Sep 9, 2021
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
    7. kingsfan
      I get about a 5 minute window for falling asleep and then I am wide awake.
    8. kingsfan
      Forgot to take my Nortriptyline last night and am feeling better today, knock on wood.
    9. kingsfan
      And now the fun of trying to get all my asthma meds refilled before my health insurance runs out.
    10. kingsfan
      what do I have to do to get these pure tones to change into anything else. do I need more hearing damage? I'll do anything
    11. kingsfan
      Which should I try next: CBG/CBD, ketamine infusion, psychadelics, or something else?
    12. kingsfan
      Another eye infection. Here we go again. Going to hold off on the neomycin drop, and see if my body can clear it up on it's own.
    13. kingsfan
      was having a good day, then bam, depression smacks me in the face
    14. kingsfan
      Left ear feels terrible. Just feels... wore out. I don't know how to describe it. clogged and heavy. I dont know what I did.
    15. kingsfan
      Left started spiking really bad in the car. So loud it’s making me nauseous. It’s blairing over my usual masking sound.
    16. kingsfan
      Ears definitely worse after the acoustic emissions test yesterday. when will I learn?
    17. kingsfan
      How many decibels is an acoustic emissions test?
      1. Matchbox
        Less than the AR test but still quite a bit of clicking.
        I personally had no issues with it, maybe a tiny spike.
        Avoid AR like the plagues of egypt.
        Jul 27, 2021
      2. kingsfan
        I refused the acoustic reflex, but I don't know why I went ahead with the acoustic emissions test. T has been spiked all day ever since. Didn't really seem loud at the time, but wasn't exactly soft.
        Jul 27, 2021
    18. kingsfan
      I'm not going to be on here as much. Ton of notifications too. Sorry if I don't reply to any of you.
      1. Christiaan, Steph1710 and buttercake like this.
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      3. Steph1710
        Take it easy handsome. X
        Jul 25, 2021
        kingsfan likes this.
      4. Christiaan
        Take it easy @kingsfan. Hope you'll come back with your typically funny and on the mark posts;)
        Jul 26, 2021
        kingsfan likes this.
      5. kingsfan
        I left comment on the wrong post whoops ----- As soon as I say I'm taking time off here, boooom, I get a spike. I think maybe I'm a little too attached to you guys.
        Jul 27, 2021
    19. kingsfan
      Are you always suppose to be able to pop your ears? I just popped mine and now it feels open and won't pop,but feels so much better.
      1. Steph1710 and Vassili like this.
      2. Vassili
        Maybe your Eustachian tube has opened up?
        Jul 17, 2021
        Steph1710 likes this.
      3. Steph1710
        I haven’t been able to pop one of my ears for a year or so now. It’s so irritating. The left one pops fine. And you’re right, it feels great when it does.
        Jul 18, 2021
      4. kingsfan
        As soon as I say I'm taking time off here, boooom, I get a spike. I think maybe I'm a little too attached to you guys.
        Jul 27, 2021
    20. kingsfan
      Every morning when I drag myself out of bed I tell myself I'll go to bed early. Well it's past midnight and here I am.
      1. martinberryhorse likes this.
      2. martinberryhorse
        I say the same thing. I can't sleep unless I go to bed completely destroyed at 7 AM. Don't know what I will do when I finish school and have to get up early.
        Jul 4, 2021
      3. kingsfan
        @martinberryhorse You'll do what I do and sleep 3 or 4 hours a night and drink loads of coffee while at work.
        Jul 6, 2021
        martinberryhorse likes this.
    21. kingsfan
      Left ear is screaming this morning. It's usually much lower in the morning and gradually builds up...
      1. Wrfortiscue likes this.
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      3. Wrfortiscue
        How is it now
        Jul 4, 2021
      4. kingsfan
        @Christiaan Hey thanks, I'll give it read and hopefully I can understand it.
        Jul 4, 2021
        Christiaan likes this.
      5. kingsfan
        Jul 4, 2021
    22. kingsfan
      Anyone here still record and mix music? Is there any possible way to record without using headphones? Using dynamic mics maybe?
      1. Foamearplugssuck
        I definitely recommend a cardiod mic. I have an AT2020 which is pretty solid. I do get some bleed but its pretty easy to just filter out. but the "narrower" the mic the better.
        Jul 1, 2021
        ALS likes this.
      2. kingsfan
        @Foamearplugssuck I'll check it out, thanks! I've been worried about how I could hear the mix while recording without bleed.
        Jul 1, 2021
    23. kingsfan
      whoooo go Islanders!
    24. kingsfan
      all of a sudden my ear is making that crunchy/creaky sound when i swallow and flex whatever muscle that is in there
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Gareth Davies
        Gareth Davies
        It might be your Eustachian Tube playing up? Maybe if the air pressure in your ear is not perfect, the eardrum suddenly becomes a wobbly drum.
        Jun 24, 2021
      3. kingsfan
        @Gareth Davies I'm not sure bc I have no problem popping my ears. I'm wondering if it has something to do with TTTS
        Jun 24, 2021
      4. kingsfan
        Jun 24, 2021
    25. kingsfan
      I'm to the point where I can barely wear earplugs anymore, it's just too loud and overwhelming.
      1. tracyNYC likes this.
    26. kingsfan
      Even with foam earplugs, acoustic guitar spikes me every time.
    27. kingsfan
      I'm about to just start digging through my left ear pulling everything out until this sound stops. aaaagh
      1. Daniel Lion and MBH like this.
    28. kingsfan
      @Matchbox I hope so. It's been killing me all day. It changes up to almost a car alarm sound. And I've had so many variables lately
      1. Daniel Lion likes this.
      2. kingsfan
        I don't know what's making it worse. I had it before I started the prednisone. Was it there before the Venice Beach incident? I can't remember, maybe, but not as loud. Could it be the Nortriptyline I started the night before Venice Beach? Hell if I know....
        Jun 16, 2021
    29. kingsfan
      in the past few weeks my high pitched hissing has turned into what I can only describe as searching through radio stations
      1. Matchbox and Steph1710 like this.
    30. kingsfan
      back to super intrusive tinnitus. well it was nice to have a break for a few days i guess.
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    A town near you
    Writer & Producer of Cleaver
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    turning everything up to 11