Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Keith Handy
I moved into this space while at the height of my T and distortions (yeah, moving was fun), and the only way I've been able to hear my refrigerator correctly has been to get up close to it; as I back away, it turns into wobbly tones. So the fact that I was in the middle of the room and could perceive it as a refrigerator sound was a great sign.
Keith Handy
Similarly on my way out of work I walked by some coolers and thought, "hey, those coolers just sound like... coolers!"
That gr8 news, Keith. So is it safe to say that your sound distortions have disappeared? I know from experience that it is really awful, but it can go away after some time.
Keith Handy
Well, Christiaan, I hesitate to ever say anything is *gone*, but even if something goes away for a bit and comes back again, it can go away again, and maybe for longer the next time, and longer still the time after that.
Hell yeah! Happy for you.