Just get lots of rest, drink lots of fluids, take lots of vitamins (Zinc, B complex, Quercetin, C and D etc.) eat healthy and you'll be rid of it in no time.
Thanks guys, Im just struggling not to panic. Its 2.30am and I'm up because the fever is not letting me sleep. (I have a cough, blocked nose, 38.8 fever, achy body, headache, and exhaustion) all of them basically haha, I guess I'm lucky
First time I had to go to work with it (feeling like that) because they hadn't (yet) instated the "lockdowns". Can you imagine?
Second time I lay in bed re-watching old episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on 4OD. The aching muscles and joints were the worst. Couldn't get into any position that was comfortable.
Didn't change my tinnitus in the slightest.